Chapter 20 {Shin(a)ing Eyes}

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Hazz: I thought if I laughed louder, cried louder, talked louder that'd make my shina stronger~
Maybe I was wrong!

Indeed I'm incompetent! And there's no answer for me~ ...


(Irene peeking at Hazz's form)
Irene: (scoffs) You were boasting with 1 year difference only!
(Hazz gets frightened, wheezes, squirms and tosses out the form.)
(Irene gets startled as well)
Irene: Why are you so surprised! (gasps) Uggh–
Hazz: Why did you suddenly appear!
Irene: When did I?!!
Hazz: Then have more existence about appearing!
Irene: What's nonsense is this!?
You- can't multitask right!?
Hazz: What's wrong with you! Don't pick a fight out of nowhere you old gag!
Irene: Again again! Why do you keep calling me that?
What's the difference about having just one year difference!
And I could be the younger one !
Hazz: (jeering) Nah na~ You're definitely the older! And being 30 and non-30 is totally whole different things!
Irene: How so? Tell me?
Hazz: ....... Umm....
You're definitely near to becoming Vi3!
Irene: You shouldn't say that to someone else when your shina is in this sha pe -
(Zipped up her mouth and covers with one hand)
Hazz: (all of a sudden gloomy face) That's right~
Irene: (panics) What's with you all of a sudden! (Awkward laugh)
Hazz: Someone who's with weak shina like me!
Irene: When did I say it that way?
Hazz: How can I get purple shina!
Irene: Huh-!?

Hazz: Her highness encouraged me to have purple shina! But I don't have
Faith in myself! (Deep sighs)
Irene: (sighs)
Right! Not everyone can have purple shina! But I believe in her highness, even though not you!
Hazz: Huh.....?
Irene: What I'm trying to say is if her highness says so then she'll pull it no matter whatever it is.
I mean even she turned me into a rusher!
An useless healer like me~

That's why you should also have faith in her highness!
You're blessed to be chosen by her highness!
Just think what if her highness didn't encounter today you lucky brat!
Hazz: I know right.(Deep exhale)
Irene: (Done) What's wrong with hi-

(Veronica comes in.)
Veronica: Your highness. She's here~
Venus: Let her in.
(An elegant lady with short green hair steps inside.)
Rina: Your majesty. I'm honoured to be in your need. What can I do for you?

(Irene is shielding herself behind something. Veronica shielding Venus. Luna standing blankly without any clues.
Venus sitting and checking resume while he is standing there straight with parallel legs.)

Venus: Mr. Unok?
Unok: Yes!
Venus: Spouse of Mrs. Rina?
Unok: Yes!
Venus: (keep looking at form) It's written your occupation is House husband down here and no work experience!
Are you not doing any external work willingly or...?
Unok: Because I was never given the chance As I can lose control of shina anytime it can harm surroundings. So it's risky to hire someone like me! This is also the reason my wife is working out instead and I chose to do indoor chores!

Venus: That means if you're given a chance you're willing to do things.
Unok: Yes?
Venus: From now on you'll be learning to control your shina!
Unok: Eh? Is that something that can be learned or trained?
Venus: Though it's not coercion, you can refuse if you want!
Luna, come forward!
Luna: Yes ~
Venus: Meet her! She is the example of a trained half rusher. Self trained though!
She will be in charge of training you. (Gets up) You were looking for some chores until your weapon's done anyway! <Luna>
Luna: But- (gets closer to Venus)
Your highness, I'm not really confident about training others though!
Venus: (places her in Luna' shoulder) It's okay! Just do it casually. I'll help you from the side. (Taps her shoulder)
You can do  it!
Luna: (zoned out, blinks blankly) Ye-s, your highness. .. (steps back)
Unok: Is that means-
(Everyone pays attention to Unok. Veronica shields Venus behind her arms.)
Unok: I also can be a half rusher?
Venus: Yeah. But that depends on you now.
Unok: (gets delighted, eyes gets filled with shina, bows aggressively)
(His body suddenly extracts and scatters a quite large amount of shina everywhere around the room. Irene hides under the shield.
Veronica scrunches while slightly covering Venus. Venus puts a shina barrier.
Luna dodges every single shina string confusedly.)
Unok: (gets up from bowing) Your-
high ness....
(Whole room gets almost torn down in a fleeting moment.)
Irene: (peeks) Phew~
Veronica: (speechless) ...
Venus: (sighs smile)
Good luck... <Luna>
Luna: (still processing) ...
Unok: I - (freezed)

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