Chapter 24 {A question of healing}

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Venus: Noe? Do you know him well? Did you often bump into him?
Irene: Noh I've rarely seen him! But I know about him quite well through the rumours.
He was literally the pride of the Royal~
He was the only person who had purple shina among the Royal workers!
Though it's really nothing compared to your highness!
But as the late kings never were able to accomplish purple shina! He was like a Royal treasure. That's why palace won't easily give up on him and everyone is still hoping for his comeback even though there's hardly any possibility of it!
Venus: ... Hmm.... By the way-

Amon: I doubt if your highness is aware of that but I'm the only physician in the palace. There's someone who's in charge of the emergencies but she has never been present in advance!
I've requested numerous times but they insisted saying that we don't need one! I know the palace is quite a safe place but-
(This is weird! She is listening!)
No one can predict what can happen in the future! Sometimes I feel anxious to take any vacations! Even what happened recently I couldn't be there to be helpful to your highness!
(More over attentively!)
What I'm trying to imply is we need to hire more physicians!
Venus: Of course, let us hire!
Amon: Yes!?
Noh I mean- Yesh~? (This isn't supposed to be easy though!)
Venus: But if by any chance we failed to hire full time physicians. And up getting some people as their side jobs as physicians will that be okay with you?
Amon: Of course your highness. That'll still mean they can be anytime present at the palace due to their main job! I'll be pleased to ask anything more!
Venus: Okay I'll process it as soon as possible until then bear a little bit longer.
Amon: By all means ~ Since your highness is a busy person I'll be leaving. Thank you for giving your precious time~

(Amon leaving. Veronica enters)
Veronica: Your highness..?
Venus: Yes?
Veronica: If it's I'm allowed may I know what did you two talk about?
Venus: Then there's no point of making you wait outside right!?
Veronica: Right... but..-
Venus: (There's no need to let her know right away! Since he said he requested numerous times but got declined that means she's definitely somehow involved in this declining!)
What about Cleary? Is she yet-
Veronica: Oh she's waiting outside! Let me bring her inside.

(Amon walking away)
Cleary: (greets) Good mor..ning.. Mr. Amon-
(What was that!?)
Veronica: Come inside!
Cleary: (walks inside) (As if he went through the same emotion as yesterday me!) It's a good morning, your highness!
(And what she's scheming now calling me out since morning!?)
I'm delighted to be able to meet you so soon!
Veronica: Then since I've business to attend I'll be excusing myself.
Venus: Sorry for bothering you since morning!
Cleary: (slightly guilty) Please don't say it like that it is my duty to serve your highness! (Now just get to the point!)
Venus: Did you go home safely last night!
Cleary: (What would you do if I didn't! Why do you even care!) Yes, your highness ~
(Now stop acting like you care and spite your true intentions! Show your true colours!)
Venus: Since you're the head of detectors your shina must be strongest among them!?
Cleary: (clenched) (Right! That's who you are!) You're fluttering me your highness but that's a given condition so I do have to admit it! (Please! Don't ask me-)
Venus: Then can you measure mine?
Cleary: (Just leave me-) (taken aback) Yes?

Luna: (blank dying face) ( I don't know if he's trying to not hurt me or what!) (Irritated) (If it's not the case then that's just beyond horrible!
How come her highness saw any potential in him?)
(flinches and getting irritated ) (His shina is not even coming ANYWHERE NEAR ME!)

(Irene and Ozey at the back)
Irene: (concerned) We'll be fine sharing this place with Mr. Unok? His shina won't reach us all the way here, right?
Ozey: Well~ Unless his doesn't pop out of his a**.
Irene: (thud) (He has logic but does he really have to put it that way!?) (teary) Can we just find a different schedule!?
Ozey: Stop being so annoying unless you want to stop training!! You're already wasting my time too much! How long are you intending to take!? How dense are you my goodness!
Irene: (sad mumbling)
Ozey: Now start already!
Irene: (sniffs) okay~

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