Chapter 10 {First meet}

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(Irene at the research room with admiring eyes, little squirming, shy smiling while staring at Ozey. While Ozey was writing something.)
Ozaya: I'm terribly sorry for the delay! It took more time than expected. Please wait a moment, I'll bring the book right away.
Irene: It's okay~ (soft smile) Take your time!

Irene: (keep staring at Ozey) But I've been wanting to say something....
(Ozey stops writing. Looks at Her)
Irene: You do really-
Ozey: Ah.. That's because we're twins that's why we-
Irene: No~Not that! I am trying to say you're really good looking!
Ozey: (smug face. Clears his throat) Well I know!


(Veronica came with someone who is literally disguised as a ninja. She was covered from head to toe with gray clothing. Only her eyes could be seen. And those had sharp gaze. Her posture was also like a martial arts person.)
Veronica: Sorry for being away for too long!
She's introduced by the NHC and well trained. Can see memory by touching and also a half rusher!
Venus: (can see memory...? That definitely means.. She's also.)
(She gets on one knee, removes her face cover. She had an exhausted pale looking face and it was totally obvious she was overworking!)
Psychometry: It's Luna, your grace. Pleasure to meet you.

Irene: ( keeps staring at Ozey) But you're more handsome than the rumour!
Ozaya: (comes back with the book) What rumour!?
Irene: It's nothing! (finger snaps) Oh that's right! Did you two hear about that?
How our Queen defeated all those odd Qi3!? That was wholesome ~
Ozaya: Oh.. Are you the speareder?
Irene: (chuckles) Because only I Was one who witnessed it from the beginning!
Ozey: She is a Rusher and killing Qi3 should be a piece of gum for her. What's the big deal about it?!
Ozaya: I told you those Qi3 were really unusual sizes. Though this also was from a mere rumour!
I wasn't quite sure how much of it's true!
Ozey: Were those really odd sized?
Irene: Yup. (Shows a fist) Those were like this big.
Ozey: No way! I've never seen one like this before! There's no way those even exist!
Irene: I also couldn't believe my own eyes at first!
Ozaya: Then what about the eye size!?
Irene: (snaps) Good questions! That was the issue! It wasn't very harmful but not easy to defeat either!
Ozey: Then how did she do that?
Irene: (smirks) That is- (then process to explain the whole thing without leaving any part.
Continues explaining. After explaining for a while about her bravery.)
Ahh~ You guys should have seen it. Her shina is really so pretty! Her aura was no joke.
Ozaya: I saw that one! Like no joke! Only "strong" word can't describe her shina. It was indeed beautiful!
Ozey: (scoffs) How come shina can look beautiful! (Scoffs again)
Ozaya: Oh right you haven't seen it in person! You will know once you see it!
Irene: Right it can't be described by words~ even the colours are so accurately pigmented and so pretty that  even her black hair looks colourful! It makes it look like her hair colour is two toned! On the top of that when her shina beams stronger and her hair starts to float ooooff!
In one word it's just so elegant~

Ozey: (ey there's no way! Even her hair can activates shina!? With that long hair! For real!)
Not sure even if I see I don't think it can change my mindset. How can someone's shina look pretty!? Shina is shina after all! It can be strong but...
You guys are overreacting, perhaps it's because her shina quite stronger than other rushers you've seen!
Oh right! You <Ozaya> didn't see the previous king's shina right!? He was quite-
Ozaya: Yeah. But you also didn't see hers either. So you can't decide before you see it!
Ozey: I-
Ozaya: Oh right! Is it okay to be late though? Shouldn't you rush!? I thought her highness need it urgently
Irene: Oh right! I'm doomed!
Anyway, bye! See you again
Mr. Ozey ~
Ozey: (scoffs) As if!

(Irene rushes toward the office room. enters silently in their meeting)
Veronica: She is perfectly fitted to be your personal assistant.
Irene: (stifles, panics.
Moves to a side and keeps standing)
Luna: I'll do my best to serve your highness ~
Venus: (checking through her resume) Can you check mine? (Reaches out a hand)
Luna: Yes? ... Yes, of course your highness. Then allow me to-

(Gets up and goes near to Venus. Reach out to her hand and kneels down. And continues to hold her hand as her eyes get colours she slowly closes her eyes. Her quite strong shina rises and comes out through holes and gaps from her clothes and gloves.

Crinkles her brows. Little head squirming. Push away her hand all of a sudden!
Backs off.
Bends more.)

Luna: Forgive me your highness!
Venus: What's wrong? By any chance you couldn't see anything?
Luna: Ye..s! (It's strange! This never happened before! Why though!?)

I just saw a dark room!
[flashback; Venus crawled up in a dark room with an empty gaze.]
Venus: (gulps) Ah~... Nothing more?
Luna: Yes, your highness! That's it!
This never happened before though !
(Maybe more time were needed?)
Venus: (I think - it seemed like it was gray shina... was it not? Was it because of the colour of her clothes?..)
Luna: If you allow me to then I check someone else-
Venus: Don't bother ~
Irene! Why are you standing there?
Irene: Yes?
Venus: Did you bring the book?
Irene: Yes. (Comes closer and hands over the book.)
Venus: (looks at it) Then can you guys call it day!?
Veronica: Oh right! Her highness is probably still tired!
Irene you can call it a day.
Irene: (sulks) Yeeess~
Veronica: And Luna stand by!
Luna: Yes!
Irene: hmph!

(Venus without taking a break starts reading "The tragedy of 272" written on it.)
Venus: (A lot of things indicate that the pandemic is near. After 50 years, irregular appearances of viarushes, attacking non-via etc. All these are signs of appearing Qi0. Qi0 could slay over a million people. Which could be prevented by only one full rushers life/emotion. But in 272 there was no full rusher even shin was killed by Qi1 which is why they couldn't prevent the Qi0's attack and caused so many deaths and tragedy. 80% of the population from the survivors were toddlers/childrens. And the rest of them were teenagers, including a few adults.)
(In the last page of this book was written "Anymore proper details couldn't be ever discovered")

Venus: (was trapped in a deep thought with habitual tapping. Her blue shina from the tip of her finger was touching every time she was tapping. She grips a fist and slowly her red shina takes over her blue shina.)

( A sudden visit of Veronica.)
Veronica: I came to check on you. How are you doing now? Are you feeling better? Do you not need anymore rest?
Venus: Yeah I am feeling better~
Veronica: Do you need anything particularly?
Venus: I just needed to talk to you.
Veronica: What is it? Your highness?
Venus: Do you know any details of the 272 tragedy? Like you heard anything about from any survivor or know any survivor?
Veronica: Ah about that you can't get details from anywhere. As the Adult survivor was really few and died not after too long after the incident. And among the teenagers mostly who could tell us about it they mostly got an early rush and turned into Via before it could be written on history as historians started writing after everything settled down. And the rest few, somehow refuse to talk about or either they got cursed as I heard.
Venus: Cursed? Do you know anything about that?
Veronica: About that I don't know anything either. As people kept distance from the Cursed one. Everything we got to know through rumour though every information was different each time. So we don't really know which is actually true! Though I didn't hear any of the rumours!
Venus: Then what about the Via survivors? We could let Luna to see their memory!
Veronica: We can do that either. As her shina power will work on the people who didn't lose their shina yet. (shina ability; the power works shina to shina/ shina through shina. So shina's ability won't work upon a person if they don't have their shina. ) So it won't work on Vias.
Venus: Ahh!~ Then why didn't it work on me?
Veronica: Yes?

Venus: Then why couldn't Luna see
my memory?
Am I losing shina?
Veronica: There's no way~ Because your shina is way too strong for that. It could be that her shina was lacking compared to yours. Or-
Venus: Or? Have you measured my shina?
Veronica: ....... Now your highness mentioned it, I really haven't measured yet. As your shina was undoubtedly strong, I didn't really need to check-
Venus: Then do it now!
Veronica: Understood, your highness!

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