Chapter 27 {Where things started getting messy}

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[fb|1.3|; (Juro sitting outside of the QI hall after getting things sorted out and calmed down. Stia sitting a bit far from him. Juro glances at her and is caught by her mesmerising blue eyes. And kept staring without realising. Stia notices.)
Stia: (soft smile) Why?
Juro: (flustered) No-nothing-.]

Venus: Ozaya!
Juro: (did she not hear me? Or-)
(Felis slows his pace of watering the plants.)
Ozaya: (greets) Yes, your highness.
Venus: Is Ozey coming to work today?
(Felis stops watering. Irene comes closer and tries to eavesdrop. Hazz gets up and stops eating bagels with curiosity.)
Ozaya: Unfortunately he took the day off for today.
(Irene sulks)
Juro: (Comes closer) Then what I'm gonna do? I'm supposed to work with him!
Venus: Where were you staying again?
Juro: An orphanage in the east.
Ozaya: (uneasy)
Venus: Does it have a curfew? When do you've to leave?
Juro: It's 6pm. Though I got a penalty of time, I gotta leave a bit early for today.
Venus: Can I have a moment? <Ozaya>
Ozaya: Yes.

(Venus and Ozaya goes to a side)
Venus: You're going to work on it again right?
Ozaya: Yes.
Venus: Then if you don't feel inconvenience will you let Juro learn things by your side while you're working? You can decline if you want!
(Irene tries to eavesdrop on them from a little far but it doesn't work.)
Ozaya: I don't really mind if he doesn't distract me a lot.
Venus: He'll just ask work related questions only. Of course you don't have to explain them all.
Ozaya: If it's only questions then it'll be fine for me.
Venus: Okay then it's settled.
Also wondering to ask something bit personal!~ You don't really have to answer it if you're uncomfortable!
Ozaya: Yes?
Venus: May I ask what your side job is?
Ozaya: Ah. It's not confidential at least for your highness so yes. Both of our side jobs are-  taking   breaks  or  rest!
Venus: ? (Confused)
Ozaya: is kind of bizarre and really rare. But since we're allowed to do anything as a side job we just took a bit advantage of it. And since Vi3 required more rest like breaks, especially (forced smile) him! That's why we just had to.
Venus: (pondering)
Ozaya: Your highness-. ?
Venus: Let us go. (Notices Irene)
Irene: (startled) YES? I didn't hear anything!
Venus: Follow me~
Irene: (gulps) I really didn't though~
(They both leave. Ozaya and Juro leave as well. Felis starts watering the plants with normal pace. Hazz sits and starts eating bagel again.)

Venus: Are you not planning on changing your side job?
Irene: (soft smiles) Can I really do that?
Venus: Yeah anything you want to do I'll do my best to provide.
Irene: Ah- there's-
Venus: But no need to rush though. Let's think about it first okay? And if you've any kind of wish let me know I'll try to grant it.
Irene: (delighted smile, with a gracious gesture) Then I'll take your highness at your word and indulge myself by accepting this generous opportunity ~
Venus: (soft smile) It's my pleasure ~

(Ozaya working on Hazz's weapon and Juro watching her from beside)
Juro: May I ask what is it?
Ozaya: It's a weapon for a newly joined half rusher.
Juro: I kinda know about the other one through researcher Ozey. But why is this one required?
Ozaya: (pondering) (I guess it's okay to tell-?) Because the person who'll be using this has weak shina.
Don't ask how come a half rusher has weak shina or why he's a half rusher in the first place because I don't know either!
Juro: Oh- Okay.
Ozaya: (glances) Usually people with strong shina but lack in controlling them, can be fixed through machines. But for rare cases like him it is hard to come up with a solution.
And that's why her highness is pretty much busy these days.
This one's really the hardest and complicated, though I've only worked one still can tell. It took a lot of time for her highness to come up with this!
Juro: Why do you've to go that far for someone?
Ozaya: Hm? (Stops working)
Juro: Since he's new here he must be particularly a stranger to you, quite sure the same goes for her highness. Then why are you guys working so hard for him? Is there any special reason-?
Ozaya: Not really. For me it's my first time participating in a big project like this. So I want to do well. And also probably because someone's career depends on it.
Might be the same will go for her highness.
Juro: Mmm...Then- oh- my bad, you're already busy with it and I'm wasting your time!
Ozaya: Nah (gets back to working) I'm a curious person as well so I'm okay with~
Juro: Then imma ask - how does it work?
(Ozaya explains and Juro catches everything)
Juro: So it's like popper~
Ozaya: Pop- what?
Juro: You know- they use it in parties- birthda- ah you don't know.
(explains what's a popper)
Ozaya: (nods) Not sure what it is but sounds exactly like Mr. Hazz.
It's good, then this thing (looking at weapon preview) is perfect for him!

Venus: (goes to Felis) If you're free should we head out for a bit?
Felis: (looks at her) I'll get ready. (Rushes)
Venus: (head tilts,uneasy feeling)
Irene: (from far) HAZZZ~
Hazz: (approaches Venus) are you heading out, your highness?
Venus: Yeah. But not patrolling today.
(Follows Felis)
(Hazz sulks)
Irene: (grabs Hazz) In that case, let's hangout with me!
Hazz: Why'd I!?
Irene: (sulks) Hey don't be so petty!
I'll treat you bakery. Oooo nice rhyme!
Hazz: So-rry, I decline your generosity!
Hazz & Irene: Ooooo~ (laughs)
Irene: (smile fades) But I really don't wanna be alone for today!
(Juro passing)
Irene: Hey hey! Already leaving? Join us. This sis will treat y'all today!
Hazz: (mimic teasing and trying to escape from Irene hand) When did I agreed to go!
Juro: Sorry! I've plans with someone.
Irene: Eyy-who? By any chance, lover?
Juro: (stops)

(Awkward silence. Both of them freezed and speechless.)
Irene: Did I-  hear... it —right ?
Hazz: I think- I - heard- it -too!
Irene: Someone half of our age is dating but not us! (Mental breakdown laugh)
Hazz: I know- wait, not for me though!
Irene: Why!? Are you dating-
Hazz: No- I'm not twice age of him. Only YOU!
(Starts fighting...................... ..............................................)

Irene: So are we hanging out?
Hazz: Why'd I?
Irene: This lil-
(Starts fighting again!)

Juro: (comes to waiting room)
You waited a lot right?
Stia: (closes book,soft smile) Nah~
Juro: Let us go.

Juro: But isn't that kinda unfair for the kid?<kei>
Stia: What? The fact her mother still kept him by her side knowing it's harmful for h-
Juro: No-no. She genuinely seemed worried about him and was ready to sacrifice herself for her son.
But think, it really did happen! That'll be really traumatising for him to witness.
And this is probably the least thing he'd ever want.
Stia: Woah~People can really have totally different opinions!
Juro: Huh?
Stia: Nah- it's just you really seem mean at first but it happens to be the opposite.
Juro: Hey! How can you tell a person mean you nothing about. That's a quick judgement!
Stia: I know right! (Looks up at the sky, then looks at Juro and keeps looking at him.)
Juro: (notices) Why?
Stia: Nah~ Just thinking what kind of different opinion you'll have on this one ~
Juro: Which one?
Stia: Someone around my age whose mom was born with early rush syndrome. So she chose someone with a similar lifespan for her as a partner so she'll live and die around the same time as him.
Juro: Mmm... kinda romantic.
Stia: Is that so-?
Then because of some duties they had the child late.
Juro: Even though they were clear of the fact that their kids will become orphans at a young age?
Stia: - kind of...
Juro: Any siblings?
Stia: Nope.
Juro: Woah. Completely alone then!
Stia: Not exactly! There's a one family member-  though a little bit sick-
Juro: Is that person sick for a while?
Stia: Yeah~ quite long.
Juro: (scoffs sigh) Then it's literally clear that they just needed a person to look after the sick person after they're gone!
Stia: Do you really think that!?
Juro: Yes 100%!
Stia: How can you be sure? Isn't that a quick judgement as well?
(Juro stays quiet)
Stia: You know nothing about them though!
What kind of emotion they had. What kind of life they've led. What things they had to go through. And how their shina was!~

That's why I try to understand them instead of hating on assumption. And if I still can't understand I just think that there must be a reason behind it.
Because if I don't try to understand them, who else will? I'm their only child after all!
Juro: Huh!?
Stia: Yeah. I'm that child we were talking about.
My parents left at the age of around seven.
Juro: (kinda speechless) Ahh...
And name?
Stia: Mine? It's Stia.
What's yours?
Juro: I'm Juro.    It means Long live.
Stia: (smirks) Such a good name.
Juro: What's the meaning of your name?
Stia: Not sure~ I doubt there's a proper meaning behind it!
Juro: Ahh.. that's a bummer!
(Softly smiles at each other)
Juro: I'm also an only child!]

Juro: (looks at Stia) (if I try like Stia, can I really understand my parents?)

(Venus and Felis going to a book publisher whose acquaintance with Felis)

[If it needs to be chosen what one thing Eun has the most. It has to be books. Kind of a perfect world for bookworms. It's probably another way to express emotion.
There's many writers and lots of books with not enough readers.
That's the reason why many libraries and books are abandoned.]

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27 ⏰

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