test results

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As Charlie looked through the tests she saw alastor's and she was shocked at the result. Alastor was 100% a little, this was rare as it was but she didn't expect that alastor of all people was a little. Charlie gathered everyone in the living room and one by one told everyone they're "role". Soon only alastor's test was the only one that was left in her hand. She pulled alastor into the hallway to talk to him about his test and to make sure he answered truthfully. Charlie went back into the room with the others and told them that alastor was a little but no one believed her. " you got to be kiddin the strawberry pimp is a little?" Angel jokingly asks he is shocked when Charlie shows them the test. Alastor who was still standing outside as Charlie instructured was slipping between headspaces and quietly walked to his room so that no one could find him. Alastor hated that he regressed it wasn't something that he liked nor did he tell anyone not even his friend rose. Alastor hid under his bed trying to keep in his normal headspace but he was slowly slipping and he couldn't stop it. With the others they were still shocked and confused about how alastor was a little when he acted the way he did. " so alastor the alastor the radio demon is a fucking little?" Husk muttered to himself while Charlie started talking about the roles and what they're responsible for. " Littles like niffty and alastor will regress and it will be beyond they're control to keep they're "big" headspace and caregivers will be matched with Littles based on how the Littles acted with a caregiver.

Charlie took an hour to explain and most of that was them making sure that alastor was infact a little. Soon they realized that they didn't know were alastor was so they started looking around the hotel. After a while Charlie went to alastor's room and there he saw alastor under his bed crying softly.

"Al?" Charlie asks, concerned.

Alastor backs away he had already regressed and now was scared of everything. Charlie tried to get closer to him but alastor backed away in fear. Soon everyone came in the room and were shocked to see alastor like this. Niffty smiled and ran up to alastor  but he backed away trying to hide. Alastor's ears were pressed against his head he was terrified at everything that was happening.

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