little alastor finds a caregiver

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Charlie managed to calm down Alastor and had convinced him to sit on his bed. "Now al how old are you right now?" Charlie asked. Alastor was reluctant to speak at first but he muttered " 4" niffty sat next to alastor to keep him calm as she was only 57% little the rest was a caregiver. Charlie knew that non of them had any experience with handling Littles but her father did. Vaggie knew that Charlie was texting her father when she saw Charlie take her phone out. She didn't have to look at the phone to know.

Soon lucifer was at the hotel Charlie when down to explain what happened and how they didn't know how to take care of Littles. Lucifer looks at Charlie and asks "so you want me to be a caregiver for the person I hate?" Charlie gave her father sad eyes knowing that he wouldn't say no. Lucifer sighs and says " fine you win I'll take care of him." Charlie jumps up and hugs him " thank you so much!" If Charlie was happy then he was ok with taking care of alastor for a while.

Lucifer walked up to alastor's room and saw that he had tried hide himself. Lucifer rolls his eyes no one else was there and alastor was scared this made lucifer think that alastor was faking being a little. " stop this fucking act alastor." Lucifer demands. Alastor was scared and trying not to cry lucifer who still thought that alastor was lying closed the door and walked to him. He grabbed alastor's hair and said sternly " you will stop this fucking act alastor your tricks don't work on me. Your a killer another useless sinner that ain't worth shit so either stop the act or something you wouldn't like will happen am I clear?" Alastor's eyes well up and he starts to cry. Lucifer looks at him shocked alastor was a little. "Hey hey I'm sorry bud."Lucifer says trying to calm alastor down but alastor backs away. Lucifer who had already let go of his hair when to grab the stuffed toy under alastor's bed and alastor tried to stop him. Lucifer knew what alastor was thinking he was going to do. " I won't hurt it I promise." Lucifer says in a calm voice. Alastor's voice was cracked and shakey as he asks " p-promise?" It sounded like he couldn't pronounce some letters and sounds. " y-you promise that y-you wan't hurt h-her?" He asks to make sure that lucifer wasn't lying. Lucifer nods. " yes I promise I won't hurt her."

After a few minutes of playing lucifer asks alastor " do you have a caregiver bud?" Alastor shakes his head no. Alastor had never had a caregiver because he never opened up to anyone. In truth he was scared of people and how they could use this to they're advantage. Lucifer thinks for a second knowing that could ask him to he his caregiver but he didn't know how alastor would react when he wasn't little anymore. Lucifer knew that everyone else would be matched with someone by Charlie so he would call her up and have her give alastor a caregiver.

Soon Charlie was looking for people that could take care of alastor and found 3 people that could. "Well there's 3 people that could take care of him." Charlie states. Lucifer asks "who are they?" Charlie says "based on the tests that people have taken it would be you, Adam and Sera." Lucifer blinked for a second before saying/asking," its only me and two angels that could take care of him?" Charlie nods. Lucifer looks over at alastor who's playing with the stuffed toy/doll that he had. Lucifer looks back at Charlie. Lucifer sighs before saying " I'll be his caregiver after all we can't have angels like them inside the hotel." Charlie nods and heads out to check on the others. Lucifer walks next to alastor and sits down. "Hey bud is it ok that I'm your caregiver?" Lucifer asks. Alastor nods yawning. Lucifer chuckles a bit. "Wanna sleep?" Alastor nods and lucifer picks him up and puts him on the bed. As Lucifer is about to walk out alastor grabs his sleeve. Lucifer knowing that alastor doesn't want him to leave stays with him until he falls asleep.

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