chapter 3

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Alastor woke up he remembered what happened and he felt ashamed and embarrassed he was an overlord not a weakling. Soon lucifer walks in the room with a small packet of papers. Alastor raised an eyebrow in confusion. Lucifer handed alastor the papers and explained " as your caregiver I will have to take full responsibility over you that includes basically everything that a child would need from a parent food, shelter, clothing and love. So you'll be like a child." Alastor didn't like the idea of having to rely on someone for anything. Lucifer saw that alastor was uneasy as expected but this was the law that the sins agreed on. "No" was all that alastor said before throwing the papers on the floor. Lucifer sighed "it's the law alastor you have to sign it." Alastor got up and walked to his closet looking for a suit to wear. "Alastor it's not up for debate." Lucifer said. Alastor picked out a suit and walked to the side room that he had. "I won't be treated as a child." Alastor said while walking into the side room closing the door. Lucifer sighed he knew that alastor wouldn't sign it that easily but he was going to have to. Alastor muttered fuck under his breath. He had forgotten how to put his own clothes on. Lucifer smirks "need help little deer?" Lucifer asked alastor grumbled and muttered  "yes..." Lucifer walked in and saw how complicated alastor's suit was and looked at him " no wonder you need help that thing looks like it's a fucking puzzle to put on." Alastor rolled his eyes. Lucifer poofs a normal outfit that a little in hell would wear and handed it to alastor who said " I won't wear that if you won't help me put my suit on then leave I'll figure it out eventually..." Alastor muttered the last part under his breath. Lucifer smirks "you know that you won't be able to put that on by yourself it's better to wear something less complicated to put on. You know it but your to fucking stubborn to accept that you're a little." Alastor obviously losing this gave up. " fine...I wear something other then my suit..." Lucifer smirks and helps Alastor put on a over sized shrit and some suit pants as alastor refused to wear the pants that lucifer tried to give him.

"I hate this..." Alastor muttered looking at himself in the mirror. Lucifer sighs "how long has it been since you've worn anything other then a suit?" Alastor shrugged. In truth Alastor didn't remember. Lucifer smirks as he hands Alastor the papers again knowing that alastor would have to sign now. Alastor didn't want to give up his lifestyle or have to be dependent on another especially the king of hell. Alastor signed knowing that the Charlie would bug him if he didn't. Lucifer smirks as a apple marking appears on alastor's hand. Alastor not wanting anyone to know put gloves on he didn't want anyone to know that he was a little but he couldn't resist regression when he was stressed or scared it helped but he felt weak when he regressed so he had tried to not regress for as long as he could but that made it hard for him to focus. Lucifer shakes Alastor a bit to pull him back to reality. Alastor now felt that there was something in that paper he signed that was hidden or he looked over but what was done was done and things like that couldn't be broken unless one of them died. Now  the problem would be getting Alastor used to regression and getting him comfortable with not wearing suits constantly.

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