An Invitation (Kai)

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The weekend went way too fast for everyone, it felt like, due to the looming start of the school year.
Kai Smith-Garmadon's older sister burst into the brunette boy's room, her dark hair fluffing into her face.

"Get up, now!." The girl yelled, Kai jumping out of bed. Nya Smith was 17, and has just started her most important school year to-date, yr 13. She was a small girl for her age, 5'4" and short, black hair that she regularly put up, not wanting to get paint in it. She drove a small red mini car, chuckling whenever she saw kids punching eachother due to it. She was a kind, loyal girl, and was doing quite well in her studies. She also had no patience.

"Why were you not up at the right time today?" Nya frowned, her foot tapping angrily, although she knew her brother was always late, and could've predicted this.

Kai shrugged, pushing her out of the room, explaining that he needed to get changed, "obviously". He dragged his clothes on, got his lanyard and a deep red coat, as it was typical english weather and his backpack was a black adidas one. Kai wandered to the door, ready to get in his sisters car, to a new place he had never been before.

"And Brad, even though he was totally infatuated with her, broke it off literally a week ago!" A young, blonde boy explained to his sister. They had about 5 minutes until they were at the school.

"Lloyd... you are getting way too excited over this, I don't want my little brother getting hurt so early on in his life." Nya spoke, hoping to 'impart wisdom' as Kai thought it, into her younger brother. "You are only in Year 10, you don't need to get into complicated relations, try and make it through the rest of school before!"

Nya had never been interested in dating, her bachelorette life serving her... quite well...

Kai on the otherhand, longed for a relationship, and Lloyd was desperate for his little boy crush to work out. A family of difficult love one might say.

"I agree with Nya, Lloyd, we are only saying this to protect you!" Kai said.

"Yous are boring!" The youngest sulked. As he said this, Nya had pulled into the parking lot.

The school was quite nice, clearly newly built, with a sort of H shaped layout, with the sixth-form area on the left. Lloyd saw Brad, his eyes lighting up, and waved goodbye to the older siblings as they started to walk the opposite direction, into the building. The year 12s had had an imduction day in the summer holidays, and had recieved a tour and an introduction on the rules and recieved their time-tables. Kai had chemistry first, so he headed up to the science rooms, or so he thought. As he wandered to what he believe was his destination, he infact was walking towards the geography rooms. A puzzled expression arrived on his face, as he realised his mistake. Mumbling to himself, he spotted a red-headed boy, about 6 feet away from him, chatting to a pale, white-haired girl. Kai strutted over, hoping to ask them if they knew where the science corridor was. The boy, who Kai noticed was wearing an all blue tracksuit with a backwards cap on, turned around, even before Kai began to speak.

"Hey!! My names Jay, I noticed you on induction day, we take criminology together!" The boy spoke energetically, gazing into the others eyes. Kai thought about how much energy this guy had for a monday morning, but shook it off, atleast he was being nice, even if he had piercing blue eyes.

"Haha yeah, I thought I recognised you." Kai replied, rubbing the back of his head. Jay looked him up and down.

"You look lost, need any help?"

"Yeah, where is the science corridor?" Kai asked. And as such, it ended with Jay showing Kai where to go, as they began to talk, somewhat naturally, due to Jay's tendency to talk, alot.

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