Date night

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After an impromptu 'date', as Aziraphale had so innocently called it, to the ritz Crowley and Aziraphale journeyed back through London in the Bentley to the demon's apartment. The date hadn't been planned, rather a last minute offer extended to Aziraphale by Crowley after he heard of a last minute cancellation. Whether this was a lucky coincidence or some kind of demonic miracle wasn't clear to Aziraphale and Crowley certainly wasn't going to tell him.

As they had dined, well as his angel dined, Crowley thought about a song he had heard once. He wasn't sure what it had been called, nor had he particularly cared, but the artist had been singing about angels dining at the ritz. How daft he thought. Angels don't eat, something about not wanting to 'sully their corporations with such matter' or some other 'we are holier than thou' excuse. Gabriel's influence would be his guess. Crowley looked across the table at his angel. Here he was, the only angel to dine at the Ritz, his angel. Crowley didn't include himself in this statistic, for while they were both from the same original stock the earth hadn't really existed in the before times and now he was a demon. Besides, he never really 'dined' at the ritz. Rather, he drank some alcoholic beverages while watching Aziraphale.

The journey to Crowley's apartment was fairly uneventful other than some lighthearted bickering. The cause? Aziraphale had forced him to sober up before they stepped into the Bentley, something about his driving being reckless enough when he's sober. 'Unless you want to explain to the head office why you need a new corporation you'll sober up. You know what sort of probing questions they'll ask. Don't just give new corporations out to anyone you know, and they always want to know what you did with the old one first.' Crowley knew he couldn't win and besides, sobering up was much less of a headache than dealing with head office.

After a short ride, the ride should've been longer but Crowley saw the speed limit as merely a suggestion much to his angel's dismay , they arrived back at the demon's sleek apartment. Aziraphale had only been here a handful of times, Crowley mainly just came to the bookshop. He never knew how to feel about the apartment, that wasn't to say he didn't think it looked good. He thought it suited his demon but there was something about it that was lacking. It felt cold and lifeless, even superficial a stark contrast to the bookshop. Though he had to say he did approve of Crowley's plants.

Almost immediately upon entering Crowley had sauntered to his kitchen where, from some concealed cupboard pulled a bottle of wine. 'Angel?' he enquired, holding out the bottle of wine. Aziraphale politely declined his offer causing Crowley to shrug, 'Suit yourself, all the more for me then.' he said not unkindly. Deciding that dirtying a glass when he had the bottle to himself was too much effort the demon walked back over to his angel, full bottle in tow.

The angel took a seat in an armchair which had suddenly appeared in Crowley's living room; it was as if a slice of the 1950s had miracled itself into the room. The demon raised his eyebrows at the angel, they were just visible over the rims of his glasses. Aziraphale shot back defensively 'Well it's my fault you have nowhere good to sit in your flat, besides' he looked back over to the demon meeting his gaze, 'It's tartan, which is stylish.' Crowley rolled his eyes but made no further comment upon the matter, instead he walked over to the leather couch and flung himself upon it. The demon was sprawled across the couch, stretched out like a cat in sunlight, his dark clothes bore great contrast to the white leather which caused the illusion of a dim glow. He glared at the cork in the bottle which promptly sprung out into his hand. That's better he thought. Remembering that he was still wearing his glasses he removed them, there was no need to wear them here, not with only Aziraphale to see him.

Time passed slowly that evening, Crowley drank and napped intermittently whereas Aziraphale sat and read his book, Satan only knows where he got it from. 'Angel.' Crowley made an effort not to slur his words. 'Hm?' came Aziraphale's reply, he placed an elegant bookmark onto the page and closed the book. 'Pray tell, what is it you want dear?' 'You ssshould probably go home. Do you want me to ssober up and take you in the Bentley? There'sss nothing really for you to do if you ssstay here.' Crowley had tried, and failed, to keep the hiss out of his voice. The combination of the alcohol and his fatigue had other ideas. 'Home?' replied his angel. Crowley sat up a little straighter, his brow furrowed slightly, 'Yeah, the bookshop, are you feeling alright angel?' Aziraphale cheeks blushed slightly. 'Oh, but dear boy I'm already home, home stopped being a place for me when we became us.' 'Huh?' said Crowley, his inebriated mind failing to connect the dots. 'Home to me is wherever you are, my dear boy. Besides I have my books so even if you want to go to sleep I'll be ok. I know how fond you are of sleep.'

Crowley's mind was racing, he wasn't sure if he was hearing his angel correctly. He decided to sober up.

'Forgive me Aziraphale, I was listening to what you said I swear but I need you to repeat what you said. I need to confirm that you said what I think you just said.' Aziraphale complied with this request, resulting in Crowley being surprised that his jaw hadn't physically hit the floor. Crowley was never stunned to silence, but this had done it. 'Aziraphale I-' he blinked hard a few times, he could barely believe his ears. He rubbed his eyes, surely this had to be a dream, he had to still be sleeping. Right?

As if his angel had read his mind Aziraphale commented 'I can assure you this is not a dream.' Crowley's mind raced, he needed proof. 'Aziraphale, can you do something, something so real that will prove that it's not a dream.' The angel's reply was immediate, 'Anything my dear, what do you want me to do?'

'Kiss me.' came Crowley's response and his angel did just that.

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