An afternoon well spent

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The Bentley screeched to a halt in front of the bookshop.Crowley had really put his brakes to the test after barreling through soho far faster than should have been possible; for he had plans to take his angel out and didn't want to waste a single moment of their time together.Before exiting, he reached down behind his seat, feeling for a package.He breathed a sigh of relief as his fingers brushed against it. He had packed a surprise and for one awful moment he had feared he'd left it upon the smooth marble countertop in his apartment.Moment of potential panic over, he sauntered towards the bookshop's well polished door.

As he pushed the door open a little bell tinkled above him causing Aziraphale to glance over, well that's new he thought.Crowley knew the bookshop nearly as well as his angel did and that bell had definitely not been there before today. He pointed up at it, raising his eyebrows at his angel in a questioning manner. 'You noticed the new bell then?' Aziraphale took off the glasses he had been wearing while working and leant against the edge of his desk, 'It's so that I know when people enter, had a close call recently where someone was uncomfortably close to walking out with a book. Got to be more vigilant nowadays you see.' Crowley nodded, then he walked over to Aziraphale's desk in order to set his plan in motion.You see, Crowley had recently discovered the concept of 'pick up lines' and was keen to try them out on his angel.

'You come here often?' asked Crowley. This confused Aziraphale, of course he comes here often, this is his shop, his home. 'What are you going on about my dear? Of course I'm here often, you silly thing, I not only work here, but live here. You know that as well as I do. What are you doing?' Crowley's brow furrowed slightly, nowhere has he been told what to do if he was challenged. 'Just go along with it angel.' Aziraphale just stood there. 'My dear I really don't understand-' He was cut off by Crowley's exasperated sigh. 'Angel, I was trying to ask you on a date, using a technique used by humans. It's called a pick up line or something like that.' Aziraphale broke into a grin 'Oh, you're being silly Crowley.' 'Yeah well you know you love me really, come on angel the Bentley is waiting outside for us.'

Upon the duo entering the Bentley, Crowley switched on the radio. Through the car speakers came some familiar vocals: ' '. Freddie Mercury's voice filled the car for a few seconds before the song was swiftly changed by the demon.Short snippets of pale blue eyes and a crazy little thing called love filled the car before Crowley gave up and turned off the radio. The Bentley was intent on being a little shit today so it seemed. Aziraphale placed his hand on the demon's shoulder, 'You ok dear?' 'Hm? Yeah, peachy, you could even say everything was tickety boo.' Emphasis on you he thought.

They cruised through the city, the journey should've taken ten minutes due to the traffic but of course Crowley was not the average motorist. For the rest of the journey the pair sat in comfortable silence, Crowley was lightly tapping his fingers against the wheel.He looked to be deep in thought.

Upon arriving at St James park, a parking space miraculously appeared for the Bentley. Aziraphale turned to look at his demon, a quizzical look upon his face for he saw Crowley reaching behind his chair. 'Pray tell, what are you doing my dear?'. Crowley was able to grip the basket's handle and lifted it up for his angel to see. 'Picnic?' The way his angel's eyes shone at this confirmed to Crowley that this had been a good idea.

A few minutes later the pair were sat in a secluded area, the afternoon sunlight shone warmly upon them. They were sat upon, to Aziraphale's delight, a fleecy tartan blanket; absent-mindedly he rubbed the corner of it between his fingers. The basket which Crowley had been carrying had been placed between them forcing them onto opposite sides of the blanket. The contents of the basket should've been overflowing, sure the basket was big but to fit all of what Crowley had placed into it had required some demonic intervention. Said contents contained: a variety of different foods, all of which Crowley knew his angel enjoyed, a large bottle of lemonade and two champagne flutes.

Upon seeing the glasses, Aziraphale sighed 'Really my dear, you brought alcohol to a picnic?' 'Relax' came Crowley's reply, 'They're for the lemonade. Wanted it to feel fancy, ok?' He looked up to meet the angel's eyes. The angel visibly relaxed, 'You know you're not technically meant to use them for lemonade.' 'Ok captain pedantic.' Said Crowley with a grin. Their friendly banter continued as they ate and drank, a pleasant breeze passed through the clearing. Eventually they stopped bickering and Crowley, who wasn't really eating anyway, lay upon the blanket 'watching the clouds'. In reality he was going to take a nap, basking in the warm afternoon sunshine like the snake he was.

Aziraphale was really enjoying himself. He loved the food and the weather and the people. He loved spending time with Crowley. He was really starting to realise how much more he could appreciate earth after the looming threat of the apocalypse and, the arguably greater threat of their respective head offices. He watched as people walked past: couples of their own dates, hands intertwined, people riding bikes, walking dogs, just wandering through the park in the warm afternoon. He watched a toddler waddle excitedly past them, clinging to a parent with one hand and the end part of a loaf of bread in the other. Off to feed the ducks he thought with a smile.

Aziraphale placed his hand on the demon's shoulder gently waking him. 'Crowley dear?' 'Ngk' came Crowley's reply, he sat up and looked at the angel quizzically. 'Look at them Crowley, look how human they are! This, this is what we helped to save.' He looked into the demon's eyes, his eyes glittered excitedly. 'We did this.' Crowley smiled at his angel, then at humanity. Afterall, he really did love humans, they could really be brilliant.

Crowley grabbed his glass before reaching for the angels. He refilled them with lemonade, before handing one back over to Aziraphale. He raised his glass in a toast, 'To the world.' he said. 'To the world!' Aziraphale replied, the most beautiful smile Crowley had ever seen plastered over his face.

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