some days are harder than others

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As the haze of sleep began to lift from Crowley's mind he all too suddenly became aware of many things.First it was the thin strip of bright sunlight which had fought its way through his thick curtains. It cast itself upon his face and seemingly had been there for a while as his face was getting uncomfortably hot. In an attempt to shift it from his face he buried his face into the gap between pillow and his shoulder. This movement brought him fully to consciousness as the small movement had triggered an intense pounding which started in his head before settling behind his eyes causing him to groan. As his consciousness returned he became increasingly aware of the pain radiating down his spine into the limbs he never should've had. God doesn't take insolence lightly and satan did he know it.

He couldn't be doing with this today.He was meant to be meeting his angel at 12 for their date at the ritz.Wait, he was meant to be meeting his angel. A flicker of fear passed through him.What was the time?Attempting to ignore the pain he slowly reached out for his phone. He clicked on the screen, thankful that he always kept it on the lowest brightness. 11:17 was the time displayed on the screen. The demon sighed into the silk sheets ; suppressing the urge to break down into tears. He was almost disappointed that he was still able to get there in time.Couldn't he just stay in bed? No. He had to get up, he couldn't be late. Couldn't disappoint his angel.

The demon balled up his fists. Stiffly, he dragged himself upright, his breathing was heavy as he fought against the pain. As he stood the room swam before his eyes. He clung to the dresser beside his bed, eyes screwed closed. The dizziness wasn't unusual but the headache really wasn't helping his cause.After the spell passed he pushed his sunglasses onto his face and stumbled towards his bathroom. A shower will help, he thought to himself. In reality he knew it wouldn't, he knew he was lying to himself but he had to hope. Hope was all he had left.

Upon stepping into his bathroom the demon shivered. The room was always colder than the rest of the house and it was a stark contrast to the bed he'd just left behind. Crowley stripped before turning on the shower and waiting for it to heat up.He yawned.He wondered how he could possibly still be tired, he'd slept 12 hours at least. Eventually the shower was hot enough and he stepped in.

Crowley found he had a love-hate relationship with showers. They took so much motivation to have but once he was in they were great. The feeling of the hot water pounding against his body felt good. It provided relief when his body ached, if only temporary.He stayed in for as long as he could, until the heat made him feel lightheaded. Immediately upon exiting the shower he pulled a towel around him, trying to trap the heat into his body to little avail. The demon ached a little less but the relief was short lived and his head still pounded.He replaced the glasses onto his face, they dulled the pain a little but not much.

He walked back to his bedroom, sinking to the floor just past the entrance. He leant against the wall for support. He didn't want to be sat on the floor but he couldn't find it in himself to stand back up. The demon closed his eyes, willing the pounding in his head to lessen. Water droplets dripped from his flamelike hair and traced their way down Crowley's back. They caused him to tense up, only worsening the pain.

On the dresser his phone began to vibrate. Crowley reached for the phone to no avail becoming increasingly frustrated. On the verge of tears he summoned all his energy and miracled it down. The caller ID was that of his angel. Trying his best to collect himself he answered.

Immediately after answering he was met with Aziraphale's voice, accusing him of being late and asking where he was, his tone flitting between annoyance and concern.Crowley removed his phone from his ear, checking the time. Shit. 12:07. How had so much time had passed? He surely hadn't spent that much time in the shower or sat here had he? Had he fallen back asleep at some point? Crowley didn't know nor did he care. He needed to do damage control. Aziraphale couldn't know how weak of a demon Crowley was. He reraised the phone to his ear. 'Aziraphale I-' he sighs tiredly, 'I'm so sorry.' He goes to continue speaking, to tell his angel he'll be there soon. Before he can, Aziraphale speaks again in a much softer tone: 'Crowley my dear, are you alright? Damn it! Crowley had failed in his only aim and now his angel was worried about him. 'I'm fine angel, don't worry' his voice sounded strained, he hoped Aziraphale wouldn't notice.

Unfortunately for him, his angel had.

'I'm going to come over Crowley.' said the angel firmly, before he could protest Aziraphale ended the call. Crowley felt incredibly frustrated. He had just wanted to spend an afternoon with his angel, and now his damn corperation had fucked it up and to make it worse, his angel was going to find out how weak he was. 6000 years he had been able to keep the angel in the dark about this little secret just for it all to come tumbling down now. With tears prickling at the corners of his eyes he launched his phone at his bed and missed, it hit the floor with a painful bang. He buried his head in his hands feeling helpless. How could God be so cruel?


After about 10 minutes Aziraphale let himself into the demon's flat and began searching for him. Finally he entered the bedroom and his eyes fell upon the mass of Crowley, curled up against one of the walls. He had obviously been in the shower as he was clothed only in a towel. 'Crowley? Crowley, please tell me what's wrong my dear?' 'Nothing,' Came the demon's muffled response. 'Don't lie to me Crowley,' returned Aziraphale with a reproachful look. The angel walked over and placed his hand on Crowley's shoulder. 'You're really cold my dear,' the angel said, looking a little shocked. 'I'm aware,' came Crowley's whispered response. He didn't sound snarky, instead he sounded tired, utterly defeated. The angel looked at his demon, his well being was now Aziraphale's top priority, their date completely forgotten.

'Can you stand dear?' Asked the angel softly. When Crowley shook his head Azirphale, with the demon's permission, helped him up.Crowley groaned as his angel did this. He was stiff and his whole body was screaming out in protest at the movement. The demon clung to the angel, head pressed into his shoulder.He was grateful for both Aziraphale's support and his warmth. 'Crowley?' the angel started, concern lacing his words. Before he could continue the demon cut him off faintly, 'Can you just hold me? Please?' Feeling the demon shiver in his arms, Aziraphale clicked his fingers, miraculously wearing clothes onto him. They weren't Crowley's normal clothes but rather something which the angel thought would be both warmer and more comfortable. He placed the demon down upon his bed. 'Crowley, what's wrong?' repeated the angel a little louder. 'I-' The demon sighed, 'I'll tell you angel but please talk quieter.'

Aziraphale had wandered to the other side of the room having noticed the mess Crowley had left. He agreed before bending down and picking up Crowley's shattered phone. He used a miracle to fix the screen before walking back round and placing it on the dresser. He sat beside his demon who leant against him. After a few deep breaths Crowley built up the courage to tell his angel. 'You remember how in the garden I was originally a snake?' The angel nodded, 'Of course I do, you were so full of wiles.' Crowley sighed, 'Yeah yeah I'm aware. Anyways let's just say God wasn't best impressed at my transformation. Was never meant to have limbs, you see. So as punishment.' He drew in a shaky breath. 'She made them hurt. I hurt Aziraphale, all day every day. I have every day since Eden. As if that wasn't bad enough, if I stand too suddenly, or for too long or even if I get too warm I pass out.It's really shit.' Crowley laughed, sounding as if he was about to cry, wincing at the volume. 'Also, since Adam was born I've been getting headaches and these really awful migraines. I thought that since the apocalypse was over they'd stop but they-' he buried his face into his angel's side, 'They haven't.' The demon paused for a second. 'Some days are worse than others and most days I can cope with the pain but today? Today it was just too much.' He closed his eyes behind his tinted glasses.

Aziraphale was shocked. How could he, of all people, not have noticed that his demon was in constant pain, guilt washed over him. His racing internal monologue was cut short by Crowley. 'I'm sorry I missed our date Aziraphale, maybe if I'd fought harder or if I wasn't such a weak shitty demon you could've still had a good time. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough angel,' finished the demon, he was smiling but there was no joy in the action. Aziraphale was shocked, 'What? No! Please don't think like that dear. The date is nothing to me compared to you.You're everything I could've wanted and more. I love you Crowley and this changes absolutely nothing! How about I get us some tea and we can just stay here, you and me ok?'

Crowley didn't open his eyes, however he did respond: 'Thank you angel, you have no idea how much this means to me.' Aziraphale didn't respond, he didn't have to. He was too busy loving his demon with all his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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