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Sarabi slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and saw she was in large white room. Sara sat on the bed and a midwife came up to her. " What......How......I" Sara stammered. " It's okay ma'am, you delivered successfully, now rest,you must be exhausted". Sara relaxed. 

Her long brown hair had stuck to her tan skin because of the beads of sweat all over her body. The door to the room opened and in came a doctor and a red-haired man who looked like he was in his early thirties. He rushed to Sarabi and held her wet hands. " Sara,are you okay?"he asked anxiously. "I'm fine Muffy,you can meet our child."

The midwife from earlier brought in a little baby and carefully handed the baby to Sarabi. It was a boy. The baby slowly opened his eyes. His beautiful big brown eyes. He had a small tuft of red hair on his head. The little being just looked at his parents and they looked back at him, smiling with pride. "He looks like you, my love"Sara commented. "What should we name him?"Muffy asked. 

"Simba" a voice said from behind them. Sara and Muffy looked at the direction of the voice and standing there was a dark-skinned man with white hair who was to be in his late forties. The man walked towards them using his brown cane to support himself. "Simba "the man repeated. Sara and Muffy looked at each other in confusion. "Yes, Simba, you can name him Simba, it's a strong name "the man assured them.Sara and Muffy nodded. "Thank you, Rafiki" Muffy said. "Simba, little Simba ". Sara looked at her baby, she and Muffy's baby.

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