Chapter One : You Promised

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Simba raced up the stairs as fast as his little legs could go. He ran passed a maid who was descending the stairs. Simba startled the maid and she nearly dropped the dirty clothes she was holding."Sorry Alicia",Simba apologised,while still running up the stairs. "It's okay, Simba". Alicia continued descending the stairs and shook her head."Kids".

Simba arrived at the second floor, run straight towards his parent's room and without knocking, opened the door. On the large bed,covered in a large yellow blanket, were his parents. His mum's brown hair was messy and she wore  a pink night gown. His dad's red hair was also messy and he wore green pj's. Simba went to his father's side of the bed and shook his dad." Dad,dad, it's time to get up".

Muffy didn't move. Simba got annoyed and his shaking became more violent."Daddy,please get up."Simba pleaded. "Our son is awake",Sarabi yawned. "Before sunrise, he is your  son",Mufasa responded. Simba grapped his dad's hand and tried to pull him out of the bed. Mufasa didn't budge and Simba lost his grip and his balance so he fell. As stubborn as Simba was he wasn't going to give up. He stood up straight and punched his dad's arm." Daddy, get get up, you promised".

Mufasa sat on the bed to show he was awake. Sarabi did same." Okay,you win I'm up". Simba started to jump up and down in excitement."Simba, go out of the room and wait for me and your mum to get ready", Mufasa said. "Well okay dad but don't take too long".Simba left the room. Alicia was holding a pile of clean and neatly folded clothes and was ascending the stairs when Simba ran past her in a hurry, startling her again and she nearly dropped the clothes."Sorry again, Alicia"."No problem ".

After descending the stairs into the living room, Simba sat on the couch, took one pillow from the couch and hugged it tight. " Come on dad hurry", Simba said to himself. After what seemed like an eternity, Mufasa finally came downstairs in a blue shirt and black trousers as well as some fashionable shoes. His red hair that was once messy, was neatly combed back and his eyes were concealed by black sunglasses. His mother also followed in a sky blue dress with light blue heels. Her brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she was holding a green handbag."Finally, dad you took so long" Simba complained."You're just so excited",Mufasa commented."I am",Simba said. Simba placed the pillow back on the couch and stood up. "Okay, I'm going to Fina's place today so bye you two and Simba, you better behave yourself ". After saying those words, Sarabi left the mansion. Simba could hear her car engine start and the gates open. The sound of the car engine lasted for only a minute before it became silent. 

"Come on, we have a trip of our own",Mufasa said, breaking the silence. Mufasa left the mansion and Simba followed him into his metallic blue car. Mufasa sat at the driver's seat while Simba sat at the the backseat. " You ready?", Mufasa asked while putting on his seat belt. "I was born ready". Mufasa chuckled at Simba's enthusiasm. He started the car engine and drove through the open gates. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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