I'm going to make you pay

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Lucifer turned his head and looked down towards Alastor. Taking notice of him holding his very injured daughter. Lucifer flew down towards them till he landed next to them and kneeled beside them.  Lucifer did not care that he was currently next to the Radio Demon that he disliked so much. His main concern was his little girl.

"Oh, Charlie sweetheart what has happened to you?" Lucifer asked as he stroked Charlie's head as tears started staining his face. 

"My lord Charlie...she protected me as I was being attacked by Adam," Alastor said still looking down at Charlie's face. 

Lucifer stopped stroking Charlie's hair and looked at Alastor. 

"So you're telling me that this is Adam's doing?" Lucifer asked as he started to stand up.

All Alastor did was nod yes as he watched the King of Hell slowly turn and look to where Adam had been sent flying only moments ago. 

"Well, then I guess I have some unfinished business to attend to." Lucifer looked back towards Alastor and his daughter. "Would you please take Charlie away from here, if at any point you feel like she will be in further danger?" Lucifer asked as he turned his attention back towards Adam's location.

"Yes my lord, I will protect Miss Charlie with everything I have. Alstor said holding Charlie closer to him. Refusing to allow anyone or anything to get in between them again. 

Lucifer nodded, his attention now seeing Adam climbing out of the hole he had made in the glass ceiling on the roof. 

"How many of you freaks am I going to have to fight?!" Adam yelled as he finally climbed out and stood back up. Looking to see that the person who had hit him was none other than Lucifer himself. 

"Oh, I'm the only one that matters now. You hurt my little girl and now I'm going to fucking kill you!" Lucifer said charging at Adam. Adam charged right back as he pinned Lucifer. Only for Lucifer to turn into a snake and slip away from Adam's grip. The fight took to the air as Luficer was dodging all of Adam's attacks. Lucifer gets punches in and throws fireballs at Adam. 

Adam was becoming angry by the minute trying to get a good moment where he could finally end this. Finally, there was the perfect moment and Adam took it.

"Just die already!" Adam yelled as he sent a blast of angelic beam straight at Lucifer, who easily dodged the attack. However, he quickly turned around to look at where Alastor and Charlie were on the roof. As the beam not only went right toward them but split the hotel in half. Luckily at the last second Alastor used his powers and took himself and Charlie into his shadows and disappeared from the roof. Lucifer sighed with relief but sensed that Adam was coming right for him with another attack. Lucifer grabbed a now-surprised Adam by the arm and sent him flying to the ground below. Creating a very large crater in the ground. 

"You come at me and my daughter! Don't forget you're in my house now bitch!" Lucifer yelled as he was throwing punches left and right at Adam's face. Then Lucifer created a fireball in his hands and slammed it right at Adam. Causing an explosion around them and leaving Adam lying on the ground. Satisfied Lucifer flew up from the hole in the ground and walked towards the others.  Lute had witnessed this and even from her injuries flew towards Adam.

"Adam no! Sir! Adam!" Lute yelled at Adam as he did one last smile towards her and died. 

"It's over now," Vaggie said as she walked towards Lute. Who was glaring daggers at her. Lucifer walked up to Lute.

"Now take your friends and GO HOME!" Lucifer yelled his demonic voice coming out with fire.

Lute grabbed the fallen halo that was on the ground and yelled "Retreat" to her comrades as she and the other angels flew up back towards the portal they had come out of. 

Lucifer watched as they flew away and then turned towards the others. 

"Is everyone alright?" He asked looking at them to see any visible injuries. Everyone looked at each other and then back at the King of Hell. 

"We're good sir, thankfully all of us seem to be in ok shape," Vaggie said, but then looked around realizing that two people were missing. The red-headed demon shit lord and her precious girlfriend Charlie. 

"Um, your Highness do you by chance know where Charlie and Alastor are?" AngelDust asks beating Vaggie to the question. Everyone took notice of the two of them missing and looked around seeing that they were nowhere in sight. Their eyes fall back on a very depressed-looking King. 

Vaggie had gotten a very bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. Which only had gotten worse when she saw Lucifer's reaction to AngelDust's question. Vaggie slowly made her way toward the King as she saw tears starting to fall from his eyes. 

"Lucifer sir, what happened to Charlie and Alastor?" She asked in a very nervous voice. Lucifer looked up at her and the others. He was visibly crying in front of them.

"Alastor from what I could tell was fine, but...but Charlie she....she was." Lucifer stopped talking as he put his hand over his face the tears were coming faster down his face and a sob escaped his mouth. Lucifer dropped to his knees and sobbed loud enough for everyone around him to hear. They feared the worst for their friend and Vaggie rushed over to Luficer putting a hand on his shoulder. Tears had also started to form in her eyes. 

"Please sir where is she?" She pleaded with him to try and answer the dying question everyone was waiting to hear. 

Lucifer looked up at Vaggies' hurt faces and tried to calm down enough to talk to them.

"When I had arrived I had seen Adam hovering over Charlie and Alastor. I had punched Adam in the face. Sending him away from them and giving me time to check on the two of them. Yet once I got to where they were sitting. Charlie was very badly hurt with a long gash wound down her chest and there was blood everywhere. She was in Alsator's arms and was not moving." Lucifer had been looking at the ground as he spoke to them. Once he looked up he saw all of them in tears and sobbing. He took a deep breath and continued with what information he had.

" I had told Alastor that if he felt like Charlie was going to be put into any more danger. If he would escape and take her with him. So at the moment, I do not know where they are or if Charlie is...even...alive." Lucifer stood up leaving a crying Vaggie on the ground. He put his hand out for her to take it. Which she agreed to and he pulled her into a hug. Then looking at everyone else who was currently crying. He opened his arms up signaling for them to also join in the hug as well. Everyone went towards the King and Vaggie. They hugged and cried together, with the fear of the unknown status of their beloved friend. 

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