chapter 1

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A group of men are sitting in a tavern. They get a round of drinks.

Man 1: I have a story to tell you. This one is a good one.

Man 2: Oh please. Your stories are full of shit.

Man 1: Not this one. This one is about the craziest bastard anyone could ever meet.

Man 2: Yeah? What makes him so crazy.

Man 1: This man wants to dominate Slannesh.

The rest of the table look at each other and take a sip.

Man 2: *shocked* Y...You aren't serious right?

Man 1: Oh I'm serious. There is a crazy enough bastard that believes to turn the roles around on Slaanesh.

Man 2: That's madness!

Man 1: It is. That's Y/n L/n for you. The craziest bastard of them all. Never going for simple things.

Man 2: What makes him think that he can do this?

Man 1: I saw that man lift a cart with his bare hands and toss it like it was nothing.

Man 3: Bullshit!

Man 1: I saw it! He is built like a beastman and has the strength of an Ogre.  He carries a mace that is rumored to be so heavy that only he could carry and swing such a weapon.

Man 3: I guess you'd have to be strong to be that stupid and be alive.

Man 1: Aye. With his strength he has made a name for himself in kislev. Venturing into the chaos wastes, looking for a way to breach into Slaanesh's realm.

Man 3: *scoffs* Even if he did. He'd never defeat a chaos god.

At that moment some tough looking bandits enter the tavern. They only seem to want trouble as they begin flipping tables.

Bandit boss: This place didn't pay it's dues! Now we gotta show what happens.

They approach a table where a single hooded figure is sitting. He sips his drink.

A bandit approaches and goes to slap the drink away. But the man's grip on it doesn't budge.

The man chuckles.

Bandit: Who the fuck do you think you are?

Y/n: Name's Y/n. Nice to meet ya. *chugs the rest of his drink*

Y/n gets up and with one swing of the mug in his hand. He knocks the bandit out and breaks the mug.

The bandits look and him and draw weapons.

Y/n laughs and his bludgeon hits the floor. The floor breaks from it hitting the floor.

The bandits stop in shock as some take a step back.

Y/n: Well come on then! You made it this far.

One bandit finds the courage to charge at Y/n. But with one swing of Y/n's bludgeon. The head completely explodes from the impact. This causes the other bandits to run in terror.

Y/n laughs.

Y/n: What a shame. I thought that was going to be fun.

He grabs a mug and pours himself a drink. He walks over to the table and puts the mug down in front of the one talking about him.

Y/n: One thing you got wrong, it ain't a mace.

Y/n walks out of the tavern and swings his bludgeon in a small circle vertically over and over.

?: Halt.

Y/n stops and turns to see a witch hunter of the empire.

Y/n: Oh? And who are you?

Witch hunter: You Y/n L/n?

Y/n: Aye.

Witch hunter: I am Engor. I admit, at first I thought you a Slaaneshi cultist. Until you left bodies of a few.

Y/n: What can I say? Killing is a skill of mine. 

Engor: I wish to join you, in your travels.

Y/n: Do you now? I'm not really looking for companions.

Engor: I get that. But I am afraid it's either I go with you, or I make you take me with you.

Y/n: Hah! I like you! I suppose I could use some company on this journey. Come along then.

Engor: Really? That's it?

Y/n: Yeah. It'll be a learning experience for you! Nobody knows more about chaos then me!

Engor raises an eyebrow but follows.

Engor: So where are we going?

Y/n: To nowhere else but the frozen wastes of the north. I just stop around here when I need a little break. After all I get bored killing the same things all the time.

Engor: You sound like a cultist of Khorne.

Y/n: I get that a lot. But that is what makes life so fun.

Engor sighs. Slightly regretting his actions to join Y/n on his adventures.

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