chapter 4

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Y/n and Engor continue their journey through the chaos wastes.

Engor: Where are we going?

Y/n: I may have lied about my list. It wasn't just Azazel and Be'lakor. I got a few names on it. I do want to make an impression after all.

Engor: I should be worried, shouldn't I?

Y/n: Yep. I give and I take! My gift to Slannesh will be the destruction of Valkia the gorequeen.

Engor: I am unfamiliar with her.

Y/n: Ah. She is Khorne's bitch.

Engor: I doubt that. No way is that her title.

Y/n: No. But that pretty much sums it up.

Engor: Wonderful! So we are pissing off two chaos gods instead on one?

Y/n: Hah! When I dominate Slaanesh, the others will probably be pissed anyway. Because a mortal did better than them.

Engor: Well then. Do you even know where to find her?

Y/n: I do.  The gorequeen herself is laying waste to lands of the dark elves. They probably deserve it, but they are lucky! Because I will rescue them, kinda.

Engor: What do you mean by that?

Y/n: It won't help them against the horde of Khornate cultists. They'll still be there after she dies, but it will remove her from the equation. Making it much easier.

Engor: Personally I believe that we should let her burn their whole culture to the ground.

Y/n: True. But that would not help us here.

Engor: It'd make me feel better about all of this.

As the two travel. They find a convoy, it is transporting a large amount of slaves in large cages. The two see this from a hill.

Engor: We must help those people.

Y/n: Hmm? Why?

Engor: Are you serious?! Those are humans in there! Do you not care about your own people?!

Y/n: Not really. Humanity wasn't ever nice to me.

Engor grits his teeth as he turns to the caravan. His hand places firmly on his sword.

Y/n: Well what are you waiting for? You want to protect people right? Against who doesn't make a difference. 

Engor: Will you help?

Y/n: No. But I'll watch. It should be fun!

Engor sighs as he goes down the hill. As soon as he is in range he shoots a dark elf down.

He quickly reloads before drawing his sword as he sees swords and spears charging at him.

Engor releases a war cry before charging right back at the dark elves. His now constant battles against chaos has earned him enough experience to get used to being outnumbered in battle.

He slashes through the elves, making sure to use positioning to reduce how many could attempt to attack him at once.  However he seemed to bit off a bit more than he could chew.

He finds himself slashed across the back. He quickly spins and kills his attacker, but can feel the blade's bite on his back.

He turns to see more dark elves charging his location.  Some witch elves can be seen among them.

Engor raises his sword, not willing to back down.

Suddenly bodies can be seen flying from the back of the group. Engor sees Y/n appear with a dark elf he has grabbed by the neck.

Y/n breaks the elf's neck and tosses him aside. The rest of the dark elves regroup.

Engor: I thought you weren't going to help?

Y/n: I got bored! Figured I'd make this go quicker.

Y/n smirks as he swings his bludgeon, taking multiple enemies out with a single swing.

After a few more minutes, the last of the elves have fallen.

Engor opens the cages. The former slaves group themselves up before they go on their way.

Y/n: You didn't really do anything, you know?

Engor: What do you mean?

Y/n: They'll never make it home. This is an unforgiving land. If anything, you led them into the arms of chaos.

Engor: Maybe. But it'll be their choice. Not anybody else's.

Y/n: I suppose that is correct.

The sounds of pained grunts can be heard, the two turn to see a witch elf trying to crawl away.

Engor approaches and kicks her onto her back.

Witch elf: M...mercy...please.

Engor: Coward!

Engor plunges his blade into the elf's leg. She screams in pain as Engor keeps kicking her while twisting his blade. Y/n crosses his arms and smirks, seeing the hatred that Engor has towards dark elves.

Minutes go by until he finally kills the elf.

Y/n: My-my. Such hatred! You winced when I brutalized Azazel, but you showed no mercy to that insignificant little elf. Why is that?

Engor looks at Y/n before touching his own wound. He looks at his own blood.

Engor: When I was a boy, my family lived in a costal village. The village was a surprisingly peaceful place. However that changed when the dark elves came on a ship.  I watched as they slaughtered, raped and kidnapped whoever they pleased. I hid and listened to the screams.  Until they stopped. When I dared to appear again, nobody was left.  Afterwards I was found by a patrol of Nordland.

Y/n: I see. They took everything from you. You have every right to hate their culture and seek to destroy it.

Engor: Yes. But as much as I want to destroy them, stay here for all my days and slaughter every last one of them. I hold a greater want in my heart, to protect the people of the empire.

Y/n: Well, you can have your cake and eat it too! I'm sure we can find a few more convoys on the way. We can slaughter as many as you'd like.

Engor: Why the sudden intrest?

Y/n: What can I say? I love a good slaughter!

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