chapter 3

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Y/n and Engor arrive close to Azazel's fortress. 

Engor: So what is the plan here?

Y/n: Hmm? I thought that was obvious? We go right through the front door and kill them all!

Engor sighed

Engor: Of course it is. I'm going to die, aren't I?

Y/n: Nah! Just stay near me and you'll be fine.

Engor: If you don't smash my skull in by accident.

Y/n: True.  You'll be okay.  Besides, they'll want me more than they will want you.

Engor: That does not give me confidence.

Y/n: You worry too much. The trick to winning battles is to have the utmost confidence in your abilities, and be able to back up that confidence.

Engor: It really doesn't mean anything coming from you. I am pretty sure you could lift up the entire fortress and kick it away.

Y/n: Now that's an idea!

Engor: *sighs* I didn't mean it literally.

Y/n: Still! Keep the good ideas coming.

The two find themselves on a hill that they can see Azazel's fortress from.

Engor: Are we still doing the original plan?

Y/n: Yep! Ready?

Engor: If I survive this. It will be by sheer luck alone.

Y/n: *laughs* Have some faith! You will survive if you make it so!

Engor: Well then by all means, lead the way.

Y/n pulls out his bludgeon and begins walking towards the fortress. Groups of Slaaneshi cultists and deamons pour out of the fortress to try and claim the bounty.

Y/n begins smashing his way through any that gets in his way. Engor watches as Y/n tears through the horde.

Engor: This crazy bastard. I suppose if you are going to be stupid, you better be strong. 

Engir contemplates joining in the fight.

Engor: I'll never get good by just watching.

Engor draws his sword and pistol and runs towards the battle. Helping Y/n end this quicker.

Azazel appears on the fortress wall and looks down at Y/n and Engor.

Azazel: That is the mortal? Very well then.

Azazel flys upwards and begins to go for a dive bomb attack towards Y/n. Engor sees this.

Engor: Up high!

Y/n looks up to see Azazel getting close. Y/n smirks as he jumps up above Azazel and kicks him down to the ground. Azazel bounced off the ground and lands.

Azazel got up with a look of shock on his face.

Azazel: What the?! How did he jump that high?! Some sort of magic?

Y/n lands and crushes two marauders under his feet.

Y/n: You must be Azazel. Pleasure to meet you! And a pleasure to kill you.

Azazel grits his teeth and draws his sword as he readies himself.

Y/n charges and Azazel goes for a slash. Y/n swings his bludgeon and when it collides with the sword, it shatters into pieces.

Azazel backs up.

Azazel: That's impossible! *growls and throws the broken sword to the side*

Azazel tries to fly up in the air. But Y/n grabs his leg and slams him back down to the ground.  Y/n kicks Azazel right in the side. Making him roll a few times onto his stomach.

Y/n keeps killing Azazel's followers as the deamon prince can't find strength in his body to get back up.

After the horde dies. Y/n approaches the downed Azazel.

Y/n: Slannesh likes pain, right? Let's see they like this!

Y/n puts his foot on Azazel's back and with great force, rips off his tails. This caused Azazel to scream in pain. Y/n laughs as he then pulled off the left wing, earning more screams. Then he removed the right wing with glee.

Engor watched with slight horror in the brutality showed here.

Y/n grabs Azazel by the horns and slams him on the ground over and over. Making his face grind away against the ground till only bone remained. Only when Azazel died, did Y/n stop.

Y/n laughs and pants, his smile wide and sadistic looking.

Engor: I think you got him.

Y/n: *laughs loudly* I did indeed! And that was just the start!

Engor: Did you really have all of that?

Y/n: Oh please. Don't pity him. If you knew of the stuff he caused, you'd do it too.

Y/n kicks the dead Azazel.

Meanwhile Slaanesh watched from their realm. Whole enjoying the pain Y/n caused, they were also disappointed in Azazel for his failure.  But Slannesh is not the only one interested in these events.  The other chaos gods watch with interest as they wonder just how far Y/n will go.  But will they really sit by and let an everchosen be killed?  

But for now Archaon is further down the list.   So Y/n will look to other targets for now.

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