Chapter Six: A conclusion and a Prelude

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With talks about a Super-Solider Serum being in the works to give the people of earth-2000 a chance of fighting back and preserving their family trees, Riley took the spare time he had to talk with Cinder Fall while she was imprisoned. "Uh...Hey." Riley says, approaching Cinder's cell: "Remember me?"

Cinder looks up and says to Riley: "What do you want?"

"I understand why you and the other huntresses are here, I get it." He tells Cinder: "But what you did was almost tyrannical at best."

"You don't understand." Cinder replies: "I wasted my life trying to be powerful. I underestimated the beauty of being powerful by having a family. A loving husband. I served a woman that used me for her own twisted purposes. I actually believed that she cared about me becoming more than what I should have been. I'm 28 years old. Ten years I wasted being something I knew I wasn't and knew was wrong. Ten years of my life that I can never get back."

Riley listens until he finally says: "I can get you out of here."

"...You can?" Cinder asked: "And how are you going to do that, and what makes you think you can trust me?"

"Easy." Riley replied: "You try anything fishy, I'll kill you myself. Now here's the deal: The only way to get out of here is to become a man's wife, right? That's what you want, right? I can help you with that ordeal, but on one condition."

"Name that condition." Cinder says

"You have to help us fight against Salem." Riley tells her: "Originally I was going to make this condition be you becoming a house-maiden first before becoming a wife or future mother of my children. But Salem's coming here. Not as herself, but as a reincarnation. It's a long story, but basically what she was before is gone. What she is now...Is worse. Shota is talking with the others as we speak, but you know Salem inside and out, right? You know her weaknesses. Help us defeat her so she doesn't turn this planet into a land of damnation."

"What's your name?" Cinder asked Riley

"Riley Parker." He replies

"Riley Parker..." Cinder smirks: "You have no idea how much I wanted to kill that woman for robbing me of my future of being a man's wife and mother of future children." She tells Riley: "I'll help you and your allies. But to do this, I need a team. A team that can help your team out. It's not a long list. Just four other huntresses, besides myself."

"Okay." Riley says: "Tell me who they are and I'll help you free them."


"This isn't Marvel Comics, Liam." Whether Grayson or Oshua liked it or not, Karen was a part of this meeting with Shota: "A Super-Solider Serum isn't something that you can make with just the snap of your fingers. It takes years of research and the correct chemicals to create something as powerful as that. And we don't have the time on our side for that if this Eve woman were to pop up right now."

"Ok then, what about unlocking everyone's latent potential?" Miles suggested, now being a part of this meeting after being caught being nosy: "Seeing that Liam and I have lightning bending under our belt, we can use that to unlock the energy coils that mostly every human has. That'll not only amplify their speed, agility, senses and strength, but it'll also grant them the ability to use physical energy and create powerful energy attacks."

"But to make that happen," Reito says to Miles: "You'll need prep time to get everyone prepared, and that's even if they want to take part in this scuffle."

"It's a do or die situation." Miles points out: "I'd highly DOUBT they'll just look the other way when a lot is on the table that can be taken away from them."

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