Chapter 11: The Ugly Truth

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Chapter 11: The Ugly Truth

Dylan's frustration simmered beneath the surface like a pot ready to boil over. His mother, exhausted and finally asleep downstairs on the couch unaware of the fact they had a monster in their house lurking in their midst. He wanted to unleash a torrent of anger at Laughing Jack, to scream and shout until his throat was raw, but he dared not risk waking his sleeping mother.

"What the hell was that?!" Dylan seethed, his voice a low hiss as he struggled to contain his fury. Throughout the day, while Dylan tended to his mother and tried to maintain some sense of normalcy, Laughing Jack persisted with his sinister antics, each one seemingly designed to make Dylan's already difficult situation even more unbearable or try and kill his mother.

"What was what?" Laughing Jack's giggles danced on the edge of Dylan's patience, his voice dripping with a sickening blend of amusement and malice. The clown's twisted grin, accentuated by razor-sharp teeth, only served to stoke Dylan's anger further.

"That! You acting like a damn psycho, trying to harm my mom with your childish games!" Dylan's words carried the weight of his frustration, his restraint slipping as he struggled to contain his emotions. The urge to lash out at Laughing Jack, to rid himself of this torment once and for all, gnawed at him like a festering wound.

"Well, duh! I'm a killer clown. Killing is what I do," Laughing Jack's response was flippant, devoid of any remorse or understanding. His casual admission could send a shiver down anyone's spine. It began to sink in that he was dealing with something far more sinister than a mere prankster.

"You— We had a deal, you lunatic! You lay a finger on me or anyone else, and I'll destroy that damn box of yours!" Dylan's voice trembled with a mixture of fear and defiance, his resolve wavering as he confronted the terrifying reality of his situation.

"You listen here, you insolent child," Laughing Jack's tone turned icy, his demeanor shifting from playful to menacing in an instant. With a swift movement, he materialized before Dylan, his grip like a vice around the boy's throat, crushing the air from his lungs.

"The only reason you're still breathing is because of my restraint and that cursed box of mine," Laughing Jack's words dripped with venom, each syllable a reminder of the precarious balance between life and death that Dylan now found himself in. The true extent of Laughing Jack's malevolence was laid bare, his façade of childish whimsy crumbling to reveal the cold, calculating monster beneath.

"I agreed not to lay a hand on you, but your dear precious mother? Well, that was never part of our little agreement," Laughing Jack's voice dripped with malice as he released his grip on Dylan's neck, relishing in the boy's struggle to catch his breath.

As Dylan wheezed and coughed, gasping for air, a twisted glint sparked in Laughing Jack's eyes. With a chuckle that sent shivers down Dylan's spine, the clown's sinister smile returned, stretching wide across his face like a predator eyeing its prey.

"Though," Laughing Jack's tone took on a sickeningly sweet lilt as if he were offering a tempting proposition, "I suppose you and I could strike up a new deal~" His gaze bore down on Dylan, filled with a chilling mix of amusement and menace.

"Deal? You expect me to entertain another pact with a deranged lunatic such as yourself? I barely have faith in the current arrangement, let alone considering another. You must be truly deluded." Dylan's retort was delivered with a cold edge, his gaze fixed firmly on the malevolent clown before him, his brows knit in suspicion. Yet, Laughing Jack's laughter only grew louder, his sinister grin widening in response.

"Because, my dear mouse, if you wish to ensure the safety of your beloved mother, you'll have no choice but to strike a bargain with me. Or else, well, let's just say I have other, less pleasant, methods of persuasion." Laughing Jack's voice held a chilling undertone as he casually toyed with one of his sharp, claw-like nails, lifting Dylan's chin with a grotesque display of power, forcing their eyes to meet.

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