Chapter 20: Planning

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Dylan turned the key in the lock, the click echoing softly in the dimly lit entrance as he stepped inside, Jack following close behind. The hallway stretched out before them, shadows dancing in the corners. Faint sounds emanated from the living room, muffled and indistinct, hinting at activity within. Dylan's brow furrowed slightly; it seemed his mom had brought home another client. With a resigned sigh, he made his way up the stairs, footsteps light against the worn carpet. Jack trailed behind, a barely suppressed chuckle escaping his lips, though Dylan didn't bother to inquire about its cause. The scene on the couch would inevitably require his attention later, a chore he dreaded but couldn't avoid. Reaching his bedroom door, Dylan fished the key from around his neck, the metal cool against his fingertips. The lock clicked open smoothly, and he pushed the door inward, revealing the sanctuary beyond. His bag dropped to the floor with a thud as he entered, the weight of the day settling upon his shoulders like a heavy cloak.With a weary sigh, Dylan crossed the room in long strides, the worn floorboards creaking softly beneath his feet. He paused only to lock the door behind him, shutting out the world beyond. Collapsing onto the bed, exhaustion washed over him in a wave, pulling him into its embrace.

Laughing Jack's laughter fills the room, echoing off the walls like a mocking melody. But before he can finish, a pillow whizzes through the air, smacking him square in the face. The impact sends him stumbling backward, momentarily stunned.

"Shut up," Dylan snaps, his annoyance palpable as he lies on his back, his gaze fixed on the ceiling.

For a moment, the room is filled with a tense silence, broken only by the sound of heavy breathing. Then, slowly, Laughing Jack straightens up, his towering figure casting a long shadow over Dylan. A frown momentarily mars his usually cheerful face, but it quickly melts away, replaced once again by his trademark grin.

"Touchy, touchy," he chuckles, brushing off the pillow with a dramatic flourish. Dylan rolls his eyes.

With a sigh, Dylan sits up, running a hand through his hair as he shoots a glare at his oversized clown. "You're such a pain," he mutters.

"Lemme Guess? Touchy Subject?~" he chortles before another pillow finds its mark. "Hey now, watch it!" He pouts, shooting Dylan a glare.

"Just knock it off. I am trying to think." Dylan sighs, keeping his eyes to the ceiling.

""Hey, you've had me on the back burner all day! If we're gonna be joined at the hip, might as well make it interesting, right? And about our little predicament... any bright ideas yet?" he inquired, quirking his head to the side.

"What do you expect me to be contemplating?" Dylan's irritation colored his tone as he glanced at Laughing Jack. "But it's kind of hard to focus with you breathing down my neck, offering zero assistance," he retorted, sitting up in bed and raking a hand through his hair. The issue had consumed his thoughts all day, making it nearly impossible to concentrate on anything else.

"Well fine then little grumpy mouse what do you need my help with?" Laughing Jack Chuckles sitting on the end of Dylan's bed looking at the mortal being.

"Your box, how does it work?" He asked, looking at Laughing Jack as he continued to lay on his backside.

"My Box? Why do you want to know that it won't be very helpful for you to get rid of the so-called cop." Laughing Jack's face slightly puzzled on why they needed to know about his box.

"Because, I need to know how it works when it comes to your victims. Do they have to have the box in order to be your target?" Dylan questions looking at the clown

"Well yes they have to have my box in order to be my next victim. How else would I kill them?" Laughing Jack comments in response. It was pretty easy math to understand how it worked.

"So, let's say the person had the box, and gave the box to someone. Would the box giver still be a victim or only the receiver?" Dylan asked, looking the clown in the eyes. This answer was what could win or break this case.

"Well the person with the box of course, if they don't have my box there is no point- wait don't say you mean to give that cop my box-" Laughing Jack looks at Dylan in a bit of shock. He hadn't expected Dylan to come up with that idea.

"I see...then it's settled." he replies standing up to go shower. "Mr. Michael's is going to get what he wants, and I won't have to deal with you, and you can go back to whatever it was you were doing before this." he said calmly as he grabs some fresh clothes leaving shocked Jack on the bed as he goes into the bathroom.

Authors Note: Hey Hey Dark Speaking Sorry for not updating lately I have been super busy as of late and no writing ideas. I'll try and update more when I can for now please enjoy chapter 20. feel free to comment ideas as well that you wanna see happen! 

Laughing Jack: How To Put A Jack In The Box Back In The Box (Laughing JackxOC)Where stories live. Discover now