Chapter 19: Killers Rules And Snow Memories

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Laughing Jack's POV

"Finally! I thought we were going to be trapped here forever!" Laughing Jack exclaimed, his voice tinged with annoyance rather than relief. Four hours of watching Dylan labor at this insipid convenience store had grated on his nerves. Dylan, oblivious to his presence, continued to ignore him with infuriating consistency. As the clock struck 6 pm, a faint glimmer of hope sparked within Jack as he watched Dylan retreat to the back room, leaving the register to another employee. But his hopes were quickly dashed as Dylan disappeared into the staff bathroom, shutting the door firmly in his face. A frustrated scowl twisted Jack's features. If it weren't for Dylan having his box, he could have been out there, causing chaos and mayhem, reveling in the fear of his victims as he turns them into piñatas, gutting them like pigs and making them so beautiful after he makes their organs into balloons. He had so many plans to do but instead, he was confined to this mundane existence, unable to fulfill his true purpose. "Oh, for the love of Slender!" he exclaimed, his boredom palpable. Even the simple pleasure of indulging in candy from the store's stockroom was denied to him, as Dylan would invariably snatch it away before he had the chance, then cruelly douse him with water when no one was looking. Trapped in this dull routine, unable to unleash his malevolent whims upon the world, Laughing Jack seethed with frustration and boredom, longing for the taste of fear and the thrill of the hunt.

Dylan's Pov

He splashed water on his face, trying to dispel the pounding ache in his head. The presence of this infuriating clown was becoming unbearable; he needed to devise a plan to rid himself of both Officer Michael and Laughing Jack. Swallowing his medication with a gulp of water from his bag, he swiftly changed out of his uniform, his mind racing with possibilities. If Officer Michael was pursuing the box and Laughing Jack, perhaps he could eliminate two birds with one stone. However, he knew he needed to understand Laughing Jack's modus operandi first. Killers like him adhered to their own twisted rules, rarely deviating from their patterns. While Laughing Jack typically targeted younger victims, he didn't shy away from attacking older individuals either. The common thread among the victims seemed to be the box – perhaps it held the key to stopping the madness. But before making any decisive moves, he needed to fully grasp the rules governing the box. Determined not to meet his end in this godforsaken town, even if it meant damning others to encounter the clown, he steeled himself with resolve. Glancing at his reflection in the mirror, he pushed back his hair, whispering, "It's time to put an end to this madness." Gathering his belongings, he opened the bathroom door, only to find Laughing Jack sprawled on the floor, idly toying with a fidget spinner. With a resigned sigh, he addressed the clown, his voice tinged with determination. "Come on We're leaving," he whispers, snatching the fidget spinner from Jack's grasp and stowing it away.

Laughing Jack materialized behind Dylan with a swift teleport, relief evident in his voice as he spoke, "Finally, we can go back to your place!" However, his elation was short-lived as Dylan crushed his hopes with a single sentence.

"I have cram school, then I'll be heading home," Dylan replied calmly, clocking out of work and leaving the store without sparing Laughing Jack another glance. Outside, soft snow began to fall, Dylan reaching out to feel the delicate flakes in his palm.

"Mummy! Mummy! It's snowing!" a child's excited voice broke through the air, drawing Dylan's attention to a scene unfolding nearby.

"Yes, it is! Let's hurry home before it gets worse. Daddy can make a fire," the mother replied, her hand intertwined with her daughter's as they started walking down the street.

"And hot cocoa?" the child chimed in, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Of course," the mother smiled warmly, her love for her daughter evident in every gesture.

Watching the tender exchange, Dylan couldn't help but reminisce. He recalled a time when he, too, had been filled with such innocent joy. One particular snowy day when he was eight, he and his mother had trekked to the store, unable to drive due to the heavy snowfall. With just a few dollars from the tooth fairy, they had bought ingredients to bake cookies, even if his mother bought most of the ingredients. They spent the afternoon cocooned in warmth and laughter. His father had returned home, and together they had marveled at the twinkling Christmas lights adorning their neighborhood. But those carefree days came crashing to an end after his ninth birthday, shattered by his father's affair and abandonment. Lost in his memories, Dylan was abruptly brought back to reality by Jack calling his name, a stark reminder of the chaos that now engulfed his life.

"Brat! Helloooo!? Are you just gonna stand here? Or are we gonna leave?" Laughing Jack's impatient voice pierced the air as he grabbed Dylan's shoulder. In that fleeting moment, he caught a glimmer of something akin to longing in Dylan's eyes, quickly masked by a hardened resolve.

"Yeah... yeah, I'm going," Dylan responded, adjusting his scarf around his neck before striding purposefully down the street, in the opposite direction from where the mother and child had disappeared. Those days of warmth and innocence were firmly relegated to the past. There was no point dwelling on memories that only served to reopen old wounds. Dylan had bigger things to focus on, a future to carve out for himself amidst the chaos that now defined his existence.

Laughing Jack: How To Put A Jack In The Box Back In The Box (Laughing JackxOC)Where stories live. Discover now