Chapter 16: High School Part 1

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Dylan roused from slumber as his alarm pierced the morning calm. With a soft sigh, he reluctantly emerged from beneath the covers, his hand groping for the snooze button to silence the persistent beeping. Casting a glance around his room, he noted the conspicuous absence of Laughing Jack. Ever since catching the mischievous clown attempting to pry open his desk one fateful night, Laughing Jack had adopted a nocturnal vanishing act. But Dylan knew better than to assume the clown had truly disappeared; it was only a matter of time before he made his presence known again. For now, though, Dylan savored the solitude, relishing the opportunity to immerse himself in his thoughts and conjure up new story ideas. With a fluid motion, Dylan swung his legs over the edge of the bed and rose to his feet, the cool floor beneath reminding him of the impending day ahead. He dressed with casual efficiency, donning a cozy knitted white turtleneck and sleek black slacks, completing the ensemble with a pair of polished black shoes.

Lost in his thoughts, Dylan headed towards the bathroom, neglecting the gnawing hunger that typically heralded the morning. Breakfast had become an afterthought for him; the effort of preparing it at home felt burdensome, and the unappealing school food only reinforced his aversion. As he brushed his teeth, his mind drifted towards the looming presence of Officer Michaels. Though Dylan harbored little personal investment in the situation, he couldn't ignore the potential ramifications of the officer's continued involvement. If left unchecked, Michaels's actions could endanger more than just himself. After all, they were already fucked. No need to make it so other people were.

As Dylan lifted his head from the sink, he was startled by the sight of Laughing Jack towering over him, the clown's head brushing against the ceiling due to their extraordinary height. Dylan's heart skipped a beat, his surprise evident as he hadn't anticipated the sudden appearance of his towering companion. "For fucks sake, Jack, give me a break," he exclaimed, irritation lacing his tone as he shot a glare at the clown's reflection in the mirror. He quickly rinsed his mouth with mouthwash, spitting it out into the sink before rinsing his toothbrush clean.

"Oh, is Little Mouse startled?" Laughing Jack's voice chimed, amusement evident in his tone as he observed Dylan's fully dressed form, as if they were preparing for an outing. "Eh? Where are you off to?" he inquired, tilting his head and peering down at Dylan from his towering height.

"School. My concussion is gone, so I'm allowed to return," Dylan replied, stepping out of the bathroom. "Which means you can't pester me all day, understood?" he added, retrieving his laptop from the desk and securing the drawer it was in and locking it back up.

"I'm surprised you're letting me tag along," Laughing Jack remarked with a mischievous chuckle, trailing behind Dylan as they entered their room. "You usually try to shoo me away."

"What's the point when you never listen? It's easier to just ignore you," Dylan retorted, busying himself with gathering his school supplies. "Hopefully, they'll get bored and leave," he silently hoped as he unplugged his phone from the charger, slipping in his earbuds before tucking the device into his pocket.

Dylan quietly slipped out of his bedroom, ensuring to lock the door behind him before descending the stairs with practiced silence. He paused briefly to confirm his mother's continued slumber; the sight of her asleep with a client served as a confirmation. Carefully shutting her door, he made his way out of the house, only to find Laughing Jack trailing along, persistently pestering him.

Ignoring the clown's chatter, Dylan boarded the city bus bound for school, though Laughing Jack grumbled about the lack of space due to his towering height. Throughout the journey, Dylan remained immersed in his own world, earbuds in place and a book shielding him from the outside world until the bus reached his stop.

"Now that we're alone, you could at least acknowledge me," Laughing Jack whined, prodding Dylan's shoulder as they disembarked.

"I've asked you not to bother me at school," Dylan replied calmly, his voice barely above a whisper as they entered the school grounds.

The school grounds buzzed with the energy of teenagers, various cliques congregating in their respective corners. As Dylan navigated through the throngs of high school students, it didn't take long for his name to ring out amidst the chatter.

"Dylan! There you are!" A girl's voice pierced through the noise, drawing Dylan's attention. He turned to find her hurrying towards him, latching onto his arm with an eagerness that made him inwardly groan.

"Of all people, why does it have to be this slut?" Dylan thought, plastering a polite smile on his face as he greeted her. "Good morning, Lilly," he said, though his enthusiasm was far from genuine as she maintained her grip on his arm.

"Where have you been? It's been so dull without you around!" Lilly complained, her outfit a riot of colors and accessories that clashed with every step she took. Thigh-high stockings, a crop top, and a miniskirt adorned her figure, while her hair was piled high with an excessive number of accessories. Her makeup, while decent, failed to complement the chaotic ensemble she wore.

"Apologies for my absence; I wasn't feeling well," Dylan lies, his words filled with an apologetic tone. He knew full well that his excuse would be swallowed without question by the gullible fool before him. Lilly, notorious for her promiscuity, willing to spread her legs to anyone who piqued her fleeting interest. Dylan understood her sudden fascination with him stemmed from his rejection of other girls who had asked him out, rather than any genuine allure he possessed. It wasn't personal; he simply lacked interest in girls, particularly ones like Lilly.

"Oh no! That sounds awful. I'm glad you're feeling better," she exclaimed, edging closer and attempting to draw his attention to her chest. Dylan, however, maintained his gaze on her eyes, refusing to indulge her blatant flirtation.

"I'm back now, but I really need to get to class. Catch you later," he replied, feigning exaggerated friendliness. Politely extricating himself from her grasp, he noticed her frown, a hint of annoyance flickering across her face as she struggled to conceal her frustration at Dylan's continued indifference, a stance he had upheld throughout high school. With little time to spare, Dylan hurried off to his class, leaving her to contemplate her unsuccessful advances.

"That had to be the saddest attempt I've seen a girl make to you- wait no your mother was sadder." Laughing Jack wheezed, finding that situation absolutely hilarious.

Dylan wanted to glare at Laughing Jack and tell him to shut up but he remained calm before he's stopped by the teacher who greeted him warmly. "Oh good morning Mr. Vens." He greeted me. The teacher was in his early 30s. They taught Dylan's free writing class.

"I've been wondering where you've been! I got that manuscript you sent me. I must say I am impressed! Scared me so bad it practically gave me a nightmare!" they chuckle. "Though I think with a bit more editing, I can get you hooked up with an editor!" Mr. Vens smiles.

"Really? That sounds great, just highlight the places you think need editing and I'll get those edited and send them back." Dylan said this time in a genuine tone of interest. If there was one teacher he respected it was Mr. Vender, since they weren't from this town they didn't act like the people in this town, meaning they could be honest with him and not sugar coat things.

"Will do! But you should get to class, it's starting soon, I will see you in 5th period!" Mr. Vender replied. With a nod, Dylan hurries off to class.

Authors Note: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i am almost at 20 chapters letz goooo! Once i get there i can just start posting on Wednesdays, hoping i can get more chapter ideas for the next few chapters, i promise i'll make things interesting.

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