1. A New Beginning

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"We have all gathered here today to bring upon God of War and Sand's judgement and removal from the throne!"
Maat spoke. Her voice, strong and broad, reached every corner of the temple where justice was served.

They were in the midst of a trial.

Maat unfolded a scroll, which reached the floor from the tallest point,
"The sins Seth have committed.."
She looked at the scroll,
"And yet there are still more that have not been written down.. As a result of your crimes, the new supreme god, ruler of Egypt, Horus, shall bestow upon you, your punishment."
She remained calm, worthy of her title, God of Truth and Justice.

Horus got up from his seat and walked next to Maat,
"Seth will be exiled from Egypt as his punishment."
He looked at Seth with worried eyes.

"What? That's it?!"

"Isn't that too light for what he's done?!"

"Are you being sympathetic to an evil god right now?!"

The lesser gods of Egypt began to argue amongst themselves.

Seth gritted his teeth,
'Is he mocking me? How dare he do this to me!'
He glared at Horus.

"This is my own judgement I've decided on."
Horus left the spotlight, sitting back down.

"Seth will now be exiled, stripped from his powers and tyrant over Egypt!"
Maat roared.


'What am I suppose to do now! Should've just killed me!'
Seth wondered along the trees, lost in his thoughts and fury. He was wearing a hooded cape which hid his face.


The sound of a tree branch breaking. It wasn't from him..? Seth instinctively hid behind a tree, slumping down,
'Who could that be?..'

Crunch crunch

The sound came closer.


A shadow loomed over Seth.

"Who are you? Are you okay? You don't look well.."

The guy had brown hair and brown eyes, very ordinary.

"Hello?? Oh!- I'm sorry, am I scaring you? I didn't mean to!"
The man's voice became shaky with worry for Seth,
"I'm Deruth Henituse, what's your name?"
Deruth reached out his hand.

He reached for the hand, which pulled him off the ground.

"Well Seth.. what're you doing in the middle of the forest?"

"The.. the middle of a forest..?"
Seth didn't know he wandered off so far, he only wanted to go on a short walk.

"Seems like your lost, that's no good."
Deruth placed his hand on his chin,
"Why don't you join along me and my men? We're headed towards the western continent, Roan Kingdom."

Seth looked confused,
"Roan Kingdom..? But isn't that quite far from here?.."

"Yeah.. it might take awhile but it's not like it's impossible.."

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