2. Anxiety Over Dinner

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First was confusion.


Second was realization.

Seth nor the Henituse family could believe the words that entered their ears.

"You don't have to answer right now, take your time. And you don't have to be polite when you decline the offer, I understand."
Deruth spoke calmly despite what he said.

'Is he serious right now?!'
Seth got up from his seat, his mouth was hanging open.

"Honey.. you can't be serious right now..?"
Violan tried to confirm her husband's words, she looked at him with worry.

"But- but didn't you see it too?!"
He was talking about the similarities Seth had with his first wife, Jour Thames.

Violan slammed the table,
It was the first time she yelled at him using his first name,
"You can't really still be thinking about her right now?! She's gone! Gone I say! She's not here anymore, and you know that! It's time to forget the past!"

"Violan.. you know I know.. but.. but it- I just can't! He looks and acts just like her.. how can I just ignore it?!"
Deruth was in a bad position, losing his cool.

"Why don't you take a rest and think about it then? You don't look too good."
Seth suggested, not wanting to hear them argue anymore. Not only him but their children who were scared from their yelling.

"I- I apologize once again."
Violan escorted her husband to his room.

Seth spoke, catching the two kids' attention,
"They're gone, stop crying."
He walked out of the room, leaving the puzzled kids.


Seth was walking down the halls.. followed by the Henituse children..?
He turned around to them,
"How long are you going to follow me?"
He was clearly annoyed.

"Are you really going to be our hyung?"
The older brother spoke.

The two watched Seth intently, waiting for the answer they wanted. At first, they were skeptical and afraid of him. But their hearts have warmed up, opening its door.

Seth looked at them, confused at what they were talking about.

"Dad asked you to join our family.. would you really refuse his offer?"
Basen pointed out.

"That- that's right!"
Lily shook her head, agreeing with her brother,
"Daddy's rich and powerful! He can get us anything we want!"

They were still innocent...

'Anything?.. How foolish.'
Seth leaned over to get face to face with them,
"Are you sure?"
He had a smile on..

"Of course! Daddy's a count with a lot of money and rules over this territory!"
Lily spoke loudly with confidence, she was excited when she got his attention.

"That's right! He's the head of this county!"
Basen joined in, adding worth to Deruth's name.

"We'll see."
Seth ruffled their hair before getting up,
"Wait for me til then if you can."
He walked away.

Lily's voice was filled with excitement,
"I think we did it!"
She was already celebrating her victory.

"Yes, yes we did!"
Basen too was celebrating,
"Let's go play now."


The light shone into the room, waking Deruth up,
He got up from his bed,
"What happened?"

The door swung open.

Violan walked inside, standing besides Deruth's bed,
"How are you feeling now?"
She sat down in the chair next to the bed, holding Deruth's hand comfortingly.

"No, nothing feels wrong."
Deruth looked up to the blank ceiling.

She wore worried eyes yet she didn't let much emotion out,
"I called our family's doctor to check up on you just incase."

Soon after, the door swung open again, revealing a man in a large white coat,
"Your excellency, what seems to be the problem today?"
The man stood in front of the couple, adjusting his glasses as he placed down his toolkit.

"Just a regular checkup."
Violan spoke as she got up, standing farther away, not interrupting the process.

The doctor got straight to work.


"Is there any problems?"
Violan asked as the doctor finished up his work.

"He's completely fine, no injuries or internal sicknesses."

"That's a relief."
Violan sighed.

"I'll take my leave now, then."
The man left the room, leaving the two to discuss their plans.

"What should we do? I made a mistake last night.."
Deruth's face was filled with anxiety, he still remembered what he had said.

"Honey.. there's nothing to worry about, and when that time comes, I'm sure we'll solve it."
Violan comforted her husband, she still believed in him. She was caring and understandable despite always being the second choice.

"What—what if he thinks I'm.. weird and creepy?! He'll want to leave then.. just like her! I can't afford for it to happen again!"
He had useless thoughts.

"I'm sure that won't be so."
Violan sat there calmly, listening to him babbling.


They were all gathered back at the dinner table.. but this time the atmosphere was heavier than before.

Deruth began to speak, his voice was weak but he forced on a smile,
"Have you made your decision?"

They all looked at him.

"I have."
Seth didn't look at anyone, he just continued with his food.

They all tensed up, waiting for an answer. Worried and nervous.

'He won't decline right? What's with that expression?!'
Basen and Lily especially grew anxious.

He placed down his fork and knife,
Seth paused.

'Just tell us, please!!'
Lily was praying while her brother waited intently.

"Will you guys really accept me into the Henituse household despite not being of same blood?"


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