3. The New Henituse Member

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They all looked at him shocked. They didn't think about it, the conditions, rules, the public opinion, all of that.

"We.. we'll take responsibility for those kind of things."
Deruth spoke business.

Seth smirked,
"Why not then?"

"Huh? Is that a yes?!"
Lily got up from her seat, leaning over the table in surprise.

Basen was trying to stop her before she got into trouble.

"Yes, it's a yes."
Seth sipped on his wine,
'This is good.'
He munched on his food.

Violan watched, speechless.

"Wait- wait, are you sure?"
Deruth couldn't believe it, was his ears deceiving him?

"Yeah, not like I have anything better to do."
Seth sat back in his seat, full from the three-course meal.

"Then I'll—I'll prepare the documents..!"
Deruth suggested to do the dirty work.

Seth allowed him, not like he knew how to do it anyways. This place was very complicated unlike the desert.

Deruth jumped out of his seat,
"I'll finish it right now!"
He ran out the door, past the halls, and into his office where he scurried through the papers on his desk, trying to find the correct one,
'Found it!'
He held the paper up, but something else in the corner of his sight caught his attention. It was a portrait in a case, of a woman with red hair; Jour Thames,
"I miss you."
Deruth smiled.

Light shown onto Deruth as he glanced at the portrait in his hands with a soft smile. As if Jour was watching over them, the room was warm and the moment was comforting, she was cheering for them.

Deruth sat the frame down, exiting the room and walking back to the dining room with the fake birth certificate,
"What should I put for your name?"
He asked Seth.

"I can't believe we'll get a hyung!"
Lily's eyes glimmered. Though she had already anticipated it, she was still excited like she didn't know it would happen.

"Brother! Felix is a nice name!"
Basen suggested a name for him. He was already ready to accept Seth as his older brother.

Seth looked at Violan and Deruth,
"Why don't you choose? Mother, father.."
He smiled, and for the first time it was real.. and warm...

Their eyes widened.

"Well I guess I wouldn't mind doing so then."
Violan and Deruth smiled, infected by Seth's.

The couple leaned into each other's ears, whispering words that were barely audible to the human ears.

Then it stopped, they straightened theirs backs, looking towards Seth, well, soon no longer Seth.

"We've chosen.."
Violan paused,
"Cale Henituse."

"Cale Henituse!!"
Deruth yelled at the same time she spoke, overlapping her words. He was quite energetic for a man in his 30s.

"Your new name is Cale Henituse."
Violan ignored her husband.

"That's right."
Deruth cheered on.

"Cale.. Henituse..."
Basen and Lily looked up at him with big sparkling eyes.

[Short chapter😞]

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