4. Changing

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"Cale Henituse.."
Seth thought for a second,
"I like it."
He smirked.

"Then Cale it is!"
Deruth finished the rest on the birth certificate.

"Welcome to the family,"
They all gave him warm smiles as they went in for group hug,


Years had pasted and Cale comfortingly adjusted to his new life with the Henituse family.. though he was called 'the trash of the count's family' by the people for never doing anything significant like his siblings, but his family loved him nevertheless.

Cale was strolling down the streets, minding his own business when someone dashed past him, bumping his shoulder,
'What's the rush for?'
Cale was irritated as the man never apologized neither look back. He continued his walk.

He found himself at a tree behind an old, broken down building, there was a hole in front of the tree.

"Feeeed mee..."
The tree.. spoke..?

'What the fuck?'
Cale looked at it, disturbed and disgusted.

"I'mm sooo hungrryyy..."

Cale walked closer to the tree, looking down in the hole,
'It's pitch black, how far does it go..?'
He dropped a coin down, waiting to hear a sound. He waited. Nothing was heard.

"Hey.. you shouldn't go near it.."

Two kids in ragged clothing spoke, hiding behind the building.

"It's known as man eating tree."
The other kid spoke, presumably the older one out of the two.

"I know what I'm doing."
Cale tried to shoo them away,
"Get lost."

The younger seemed to care for the stranger he just met.

"On! Let's just go!"
His sister knew more than him, she pulled him over and got out of Cale's sight.

"Feeeeed meee!"
It was louder than before.

"How 'bout this, I'll feed you so shut up!"


The next day.
Cale set out to visit the tree again, he already got his weekly allowance from his father so he could buy the tree its food.

He entered a bakery, the cashier looked surprised.
"Give me all your bread."
Cale told the lady in front.

"All of it?"
Her voice was shaky.

Cale dropped a bag of gold coins on the table in front of her.

"Right- right away!"


As Cale was walking towards his destination he was stopped by the siblings.

"You can't seriously be feeding that tree, are you?"
The girl, who has yet to reveal her name, spoke with a slightly angered voice as she hid her brother behind her.

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