3. mall

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san woke up the next morning to a pillow smacking him in the face.

"what the-" he turned groggily to see seonghwa smiling cheekily with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"time to get up!" seonghwa was still smiling, but his smile seemed forced and it didn't reach his eyes. san groaned and turned away from him, he reached out to grab the plushie that was usually on his bed. strangely, he couldn't feel his plushie. opening his eyes fully, he realized he was in seonghwa's bed.

"why am i here?" he quickly faced seonghwa, surprised. as far as he could remember from last night, he was in his room when he called jiyeon so how did he end up here?

"you were clinging onto me last night and wouldn't let go. your bed is too small for both of us and i wasn't going to sleep on the floor so i just dragged you here" seonghwa said, his eyes glancing around his messy bed.

san stared at seonghwa, mouth agape, "you dragged me here? like, by my legs?". seonghwa nodded nonchalantly while putting down the coffee mug on the side table. suddenly, seonghwa gasped, causing san to flinch.

"you drooled on my pillow!" seonghwa snatched the pillow from behind san and stared at it in disgust. "it's wet!".

san sat up in the bed confused while seonghwa kept rambling on about how disgusting his pillow is now because it's covered in san's saliva. how out of it was he last night that he didn't feel seonghwa drag him?

"hello?" seonghwa waved his hand in front of san's faze, snapping him from his daze.

san looked up at seonghwa, "huh?"

"i said it's time to get up, we're meeting yunho and jongho today, remember?". san rolled his eyes and plopped back down on the bed, "i'm not going", he muttered while enveloping himself in seonghwa's blanket.

seonghwa stared at san blankly before harshly yanking the blanket off him, "get up, san".

"i'm heartbroken. jiyeon literally broke up with me last night, i'm not going anywhere" san whined, using his arms to warm his body up.

"don't be dramatic. she didn't break up with you, she's taking a break from you. and do you really think staying here, moping around in my bed is going to help?".

san grabbed the blanket from seonghwa and turned his back to him, wrapping himself in the blanket and closing his eyes, "yes" he pouted.

san had about five seconds of peaceful bliss before seonghwa jumped on top of him. because he wasn't expecting it, he yelped out as he felt seonghwa's weight on top of him.

"what are you doing? get off me!" san shouted out as seonghwa began to tickle him. san seriously wasn't in the mood but seonghwa's playfullness made him let out a smile.

san giggled as he tried to escape seonghwa's tickling. "okay, okay! i'll get up, but only because you're bothering me, not because i want to". san got off the bed and grabbed the pillow that he drooled on. he smiled mischiveously as he shoved the wet pillow in seonghwa's face, causing him to let out a shriek.

"you're disgusting!" seonghwa yelled out while san laughed as he walked out of his room.

san felt his stomach rumble for the fifth time as he was dragged into another store.

"can we go eat? i'm so hungry" he put his hand on his stomach as he looked at yunho with a desperate expression. yunho gave him a small, pitiful smile. on saturday's, san, yunho, seonghwa, and seonghwa's friend, jongho usually spend the day together. since they all work during the week, saturday was the designated "hang out" day. san preferred it when they would drive out somewhere and do an engaging activity, his favorite being laser tag. unfortunately, seonghwa and jongho both wanted to get some new clothes from the mall and once seonghwa gets that chance to go to the mall, he goes in and out of every single store.

"maybe we can sneak out?" yunho offered, sneaking glances at seonghwa and jongho who were seemingly occupied in looking at the sunglass display. san nodded enthusiastically. they both looked at the shopping pair before quickly taking off.

"finally!" san groaned out as he quickened his pace to the food court. he hadn't had anything the whole day except for the coffee seonghwa made him earlier. truthfully, san could've eaten something before they left but he assumed they would all eat out, not anticipating he'd be dragged in and out of the many stores at the mall.

yunho and san got their food and sat down at an empty table. san's eyes lit up as he took a bite of his burger, happy that he can finally fill up his stomach. he was about to take another bite when he noticed yunho looking at him with a smile on his face.

"what?" he questioned. thinking there was something on his face, he grabbed a napkin and started dabbing around his mouth.

"nothing...i'm just glad you're in a good mood" yunho said while taking a sip of his drink. "i was worried about you after seonghwa called". san pursed out his lips as the memories of last night flowed through his mind. san wasn't the type to be so emotional, he was pretty good at hiding when he was going through a hard time.

"it's just a break, we didn't break up" san shrugged, echoing seonghwa's words from this morning. "i'll give her the time she wants and we'll be back together in no time" he said rather confidentally.

"if you say so" yunho said after a moment. san arched up an eyebrow, "what's that supposed to mean?" he asked, noticing how yunho drifted his eyes away from him.

yunho hesitated for a moment, "it just seems like you think leaving her alone will make everything okay again and i think it's going to take more than that". he looked back at san, "you have to make some changes of your own".

san stuffed a fry in his mouth, "yeah, i know. i'll make more time for her" he waved yunho's skepticism off.

"don't you think you both want different things though? she wants to settle down and you don't". san was getting annoyed. he really didn't want to talk about him and jiyeon. he glared at yunho, "i'm done. let's go find seonghwa and jongho". he said while getting up and grabbing his trash.

"wait, san" yunho stopped san by grabbing his arm. "i didn't mean to make you upset. i'm just worried about you". san softened at yunho's genuine tone. he knows very well that yunho's just looking out for him. he just doesn't like that every time jiyeon's name is mentioned, he starts to get emotional and he doesn't want to show that side to yunho like he did to seonghwa last night.

"i know. thanks, yunho" he gave yunho a smile to reassure them that they were good. "but i'm fine, so you don't need to worry about me". yunho looked at san as if he wanted to say something but quickly decided against it and just nodded instead.

seonghwa and jongho ran up to them, their arms full of shopping bags "where were you two?" seonghwa asked as he put his bags down, glaring at san, knowing it was san's idea to leave them.

san glared back, "i was dying of hunger and you're dragging us to every store" seonghwa huffed and shoved his bags into san's arms. "let's go. san's buying jongho and i food and then we're going for karaoke. he sassily walked towards the kiosk with an embarrassed jongho behind him while san gaped at them in shock and looked at yunho.

san dropped seonghwa's bags and charged at him while yelling obscenities at him. yunho watched and let out a laugh. 

maybe san would be fine.

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