17. forget him

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"you're kidding me" yeosang let out an exasperated sigh at the sight of wooyoung. he had locked himself in his office after his walk with san. "you don't even know the guy, how could you have fallen in love with him?". wooyoung had his head in his hands, he peeked at yeosang through his fingers, "i'm not in love with him" he stated confidently.

yeosang snorted, "but you think about him all the time, don't you. you can't function properly because of him". wooyoung sat up straight, "i don't know what it is but i'm definately not in love with him" he replied, "plus he has a girlfriend" he added under his breath but yeosang heard.

"a girlfriend?" yeosang chuckled wryly, "that's just great". wooyoung groaned. he didn't even know why he was talking about this to yeosang. this was a territory that was completely foreign to wooyoung. these feelings were new and so sudden, he didn't know how to understand them. was it even possible to fall in love with someone you literally just met? was he even in love? wooyoung just tolerated san up to this point, but he couldn't ignore that san made him feel things. wooyoung thought he was going to die when san hugged him, his heart was beating that fast. he couldn't deny the many times he admired san and how flustered he would get when san smiled or even looked at him.

whatever wooyoung is feeling towards san, it didn't matter anyways. san is in a relationship and plus, they were just doing business. it would only be a few more days and san would be removed from his life, maybe then these feeling would bubble down.

"it doesn't matter, just forget about it" wooyoung muttered. "i can't forget about it" yeosang countered, taking a seat across from wooyoung, "i'm telling you this as your friend, you need to get rid of san. he's not doing you any favors, just look at what happened earlier". wooyoung winced at the memory of him bumping into san and spilling food everywhere. 

"i won't see him after this weekend. we made a deal" wooyoung muttered and yeosang raised an eyebrow, "a deal? what do you mean?".

wooyoung sighed, "i only agreed to do this big order for him if he never came near me again". yeosang looked at him confused, "again?". wooyoung nodded, "he came here on friday. he ordered food and never payed for it, he also talked badly about the restaurant" he said bitterly, remembering the events of that day.

"you're telling me you knew him before?" yeosang asked incredulously. "i didn't know him really" wooyoung replied, "i thought he was some random guy i'd never see again. how was i supposed to know he'd come here again?".

"and now you caught feelings" yeosang said, his voice trailing off. wooyoung had thought of mentioning the night san fell asleep on him, but decided against it after seeing yeosang's reaction.

"i did not catch feelings" wooyoung retorted defensively, "it's just a weird thing, i'm sure it'll go away". yeosang looked at wooyoung skeptically, "you think i don't know you? if san felt the same way, would you care?".

wooyoung squirmed in his seat, "that would never happen" he stated. "you didn't answer my question" yeosang shot back.

wooyoung sighed and leaned back, "no. i wouldn't care. i'm telling you, i don't like him". he meant to say it sternly, but there was a waver in his voice.

the possibility of san reciprocating any feelings hadn't crossed wooyoung's mind—it seemed utterly impossible. having never been in a relationship before, wooyoung wouldn't know how to react if there was even a slight chance of it happening. the thought unnerved him, and he quickly dismissed it. his feelings toward san were purely business-related. they would soon return to being strangers, just as before.

"whose blazer are you wearing?" yeosang asked and wooyoung's eyes widened. he ran off so quickly he completely forgot about san's blazer.

"it was cold outside" wooyoung muttered, immediately shrugging the blazer off, "i forgot about it". the warmth san's blazer provided disappeared and wooyoung was left feeling cold. the scent of san's cologne had definately rubbed off on him.

yeosang eyed wooyoung curiously, "what happens if san comes tomorrow?". wooyoung stared back at yeosang, "nothing" he said. yeosang clicked his tongue and stood up, "i think it's best if i deal with san".

"what?" wooyoung stood up and looked at yeosang confused. "san distracts you. the less you see of him, the less you think of him". wooyoung stared at yeosang, confusion still evident in his expression.

yeosang sighed, realizing wooyoung wasn't understanding him. "you want everything to go back to normal before san, right?". wooyoung thought for a moment and slowly nodded. he didn't know about the san part because of his conflicting feelings but he for sure wanted to get back to cooking and running his restaurant without being distracted.

"okay. to get back to normal, you need to forget about san. you shouldn't even think about him. if you don't see him, you won't think of him and your feelings will fade away. then everything will go back to the way it's supposed to be" yeosang explained. 

wooyoung was silent. would avoiding san be the best way to get rid of these feelings? he was skeptical since he was thinking of san ever since that night in the park. "i don't know if that'll work" he said to yeosang.

"it will if you want it to. you do want to forget your feelings for him, don't you?". again, wooyoung hesitated. he didn't want yeosang to think otherwise since he tried hard to convince yeosang that he didn't like san.

"i do" wooyoung said, but averted his gaze. yeosang didn't seem to notice, "then stay away from him. just stay here and i'll deal with him". wooyoung sat back in his chair and sighed. this is what he wanted, he didn't like san and nothing would ever happen between them. or at least, that's what he told himself.

he looked at yeosang and nodded, "okay" he said, agreeing to yeosang's plan. yeosang smiled and placed a hand on wooyoung's shoulder. "don't worry. you'll be back to yourself in no time".

wooyoung smiled back to yeosang but it was strained. he knew he was better off forgetting san, but he wasn't sure if that was what he wanted.

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