31. laser tag

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"laser tag?" wooyoung knitted his eyebrows together, his phone pressed to his ear.

"yeah. it'll be fun, you can bring yeosang with you" san responded cheerfully.

the whole week had flown by and wooyoung hadn't seen san since monday. he called and texted as much as he could, but san didn't visit wooyoung at work. not that he was looking forward to san dropping in unannounced because he wasn't. he just thought san would see him.

wooyoung chewed on his bottom lip, he wasn't sure what he was doing. he wasn't dating san but it wasn't like they were friends either. they could've been but wooyoung kissing san kind of made it impossible for them to just be friends. after the kiss, wooyoung was waiting for the feeling of regret to kick in, but it never came. the only thing he regretted was not looking back to see the expression on san's face.

"i don't know. it's not really our thing" wooyoung said hesitantly. and it truly wasn't. in fact, wooyoung had never played laser tag.

wooyoung heard san let out a small huff, "please? just come for me, i haven't seen you in days". wooyoung rolled his eyes, "that's not my fault. no one stopped you from coming".

"don't you think i wanted to? i've been working overtime, we have a lot of work to catch up on". wooyoung sighed, trying to convince himself that he didn't want to see san, it was san that wanted to see him.

"so it's just us three. you, me, and yeosang?" wooyoung asked.

"well no, i'm bringing a few of my friends too. we always hang out on saturday". wooyoung frowned, he didn't know how he felt about meeting san's friends. how would san explain their relationship to them?

"we can do something else another time then. i don't want to interrupt your time with your friends" wooyoung hastily suggested. one-on-one time with san was already a lot for wooyoung. he couldn't imagine what it would be like with the people in san's life.

"you're not interrupting" san said gently, his tone so soft wooyoung nearly swooned, "i really want to see you. i miss you so much". wooyoung swallowed, trying his best to ignore the way that san's words pulled at his heartstrings. it was honestly ridiculous how effortlessly san was able to make wooyoung flustered.

"fine, we'll come. happy?" wooyoung said quickly, grateful that san wasn't in front of him to witness how red his face had become.

it seemed that san had an idea because he let out a chuckle, "very. see you tomorrow, wooyoung".

wooyoung ended the call, slumping in his seat, he rubbed his face into his hands. how he wished he had the willpower to say no to san. how could he when san acted that way and made feel wooyoung feel this way?

"what was that about?" wooyoung jumped up, startled upon seeing yeosang in front of him. when did he get there? wooyoung had sworn he locked the door.

"do you ever knock?" wooyoung shot a glare at yeosang once he calmed down. yeosang just shrugged and sat across from wooyoung, "so?".

"that was san" wooyoung said, ignoring yeosang wiggling his eyebrows at him, "he wants us to play laser tag with him and his friends tomorrow".

"laser tag?" yeosang asked incredulously, "why laser tag?". wooyoung shrugged. he honestly had no idea why san suggested laser tag, it seemed so random.

"i don't know. i told him that we're coming though" yeosang frowned, "thanks for asking for my opinion". wooyoung grinned and got up, "it's not like you have plans anyways. what were you going to do? rot in front of the tv?".

"where even are they?" yeosang asked, looking around to see if he could spot san. "i'm sure they'll be here soon" wooyoung replied, letting out a sigh. he wasn't nervous per se, but wooyoung did feel apprehensive about not knowing what to expect. wooyoung didn't care that much if san's friends liked him or not, but he did care enough to make a good impression on them for san's sake. he didn't want to do anything to embarrass san.

"there they are," yeosang pointed out, directing wooyoung's attention to san who was approaching with three other men. one of them, wooyoung recognized from the event.

"hi," san greeted as he reached them, his eyes fixed on wooyoung. "this is yunho, seonghwa, and jongho," san introduced, gesturing towards his friends. he then turned to his friends, "and this is yeosang and wooyoung".

yunho frowned upon looking at wooyoung. "aren't you the chef?" he asked.

"chef? what chef?" seonghwa asked yunho, looking as puzzled as him. yunho glanced at san, "isn't he the one who dropped-"

"we should head in" san interjected, walking ahead of the group into the building. wooyoung swallowed as they all walked inside. san seemed annoyed at yunho's question and wooyoung couldn't quite understand why. was he embarrassed about it and just never admitted it to wooyoung?

"are we teaming up?" seonghwa asked and san shook his head, "let's play individually. there's not many of us anyway".

"do you know how to play?" wooyoung whispered to yeosang as they were putting their vests on. yeosang raised an eyebrow in surprise, "you've never played? then why did you agree to come?" he whispered back. wooyoung groaned softly, struggling to put on his vest.

"here," wooyoung tensed up as he felt san's hands adjusting his vest. san fastened the straps and checked the fit. "is it too tight?" he asked softly, the previous irritation on his face before completely gone. wooyoung glanced away, feeling flustered. "it's fine. thank you," he murmured.

san smiled at wooyoung, "try to shoot everyone else without getting shot yourself". wooyoung glanced up at san with a puzzled look. wooyoung never told san he didn't know how to play, so how did he know? san chuckled and ruffled wooyoung's hair, "you're so cute" he said before handing wooyoung his gun and walking off.

yeosang, who was still next to wooyoung, looked at wooyoung with wide eyes, "did he just call you-". wooyoung quickly covered yeosang's mouth, "shut up" he grumbled, his face turning red.

he didn't know how, but wooyoung had managed to survive without getting shot. one by one, each player got knocked out until there were only two left. wooyoung and san. wooyoung walked cautiously, gripping his gun tightly and looking all around for san.

suddenly, a burst of laser fire erupted from behind a barricade, narrowly missing wooyoung's shoulder. he dove for cover, heart pounding in his chest. peeking out from his hiding spot, he spotted san crouched behind another obstacle, a mischiveous grin on his face.

"you're suprisingly good at this" san remarked, his tone filled with amusement. he began to move closer to wooyoung and wooyoung aimed his gun towards san, shooting it but san easily dodged it and continued edging closer to wooyoung.

wooyoung started walking backwards until his back hit a wall, he gulped seeing san infront of him and instinctively aimed his gun at san again.

"wait," san's voice was soft, urging wooyoung to pause. as san drew nearer, wooyoung felt his breath on his face, sending a shiver down his spine. frozen in place, wooyoung watched as san gently lowered his gun and moved closer, almost hypnotically.

with a gentle touch, san brushed wooyoung's hair away from his face, their eyes locked in an intense gaze. "i didn't get any alone time with you," san whispered, his words sending a surge of warmth through wooyoung's veins. as san leaned in closer, wooyoung's eyelids fluttered shut, surrendering to the moment.

wooyoung waited for the impact only for it to never come. instead, san fired his gun, eliminating wooyoung from the game. wooyoung's eyes shot wide open as he stared at san in disbelief.

"i win" san sung playfully, grinning at wooyoung.

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