37. ex

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the start of a new week, usually something wooyoung looks forward to, wooyoung found dragging. when it came to wooyoung's restaurant, if he could spend every second of his life in there, he would but there was nothing wooyoung wanted more than the week to be over as soon as possible so he would get the opportunity to see san again.

it was insane to wooyoung  that someone that he had met a few weeks ago could make him act so unlike himself. especially considering that him and san were so different. although wooyoung never really saw himself settling down with anyone, if there was the chance that he ended up finding someone, it definately wouldn't have been someone like san. san was quite blunt, patient, overly affectionate, impulsive - things that wooyoung wasn't. but wooyoung was starting to change. more and more, he found himself acting more like a person he never thought he would be like. maybe he was like that all along, but needed someone to pull out those traits hidden in him. he didn't know. wooyoung never thought he was capable of feeling anything more than friendship or acquaintanceship with anyone but here he was, surprising himself.

wooyoung couldn't help but think about the past night. the way san was so careful, how he held him, how he made wooyoung's feelings bloom without even trying. the things san said to wooyoung made him feel all jittery inside. without even knowing, wooyoung found himself smiling like an idiot.

"are you smiling?" yeosang peered closer at wooyoung's face. wooyoung hadn't even noticed yeosang walk in. 

"no"  wooyoung awkardly cleared his throat and sat up straight, "what do you want?". yeosang squinted but passed a slip of paper to wooyoung, "our next shipment isn't until next week but we ran out of some ingredients".

wooyoung grabbed the list and looked at it. it wasn't that uncommon for the restaurant to run out of ingredients before shipments but that meant someone would have to go to the grocery store in the meantime and wooyoung did not want to be that person.

"can't you go?" wooyoung asked. yeosang scoffed, "i went last time".

wooyoung gave yeosang a pleading look. the last thing he wanted to do was haul a bunch of bags by himself into the restaurant, "please? i don't want to go" he wailed.

"okay, i'll go" yeosang said and wooyoung smiled in relief, "if you tell me what happened with you and san after you left the cafe". wooyoung's smile instantly dropped, "nothing happened" he responded but the red tint that appeared on his cheeks said otherwise.

yeosang crossed his arms, "don't even try. you left together, did he sleep over?" he looked over at wooyoung who seemed to turn redder as he squirmed in his seat. yeosang covered his mouth and widened his eyes, "oh my god, did you guys-"

"no!" wooyoung quickly shot up, list in his hand, "i'll go just shut up". yeosang cackled at wooyoung who was rushing out in his flustered state, "don't act like you haven't thought about it!".

"you're actually disgusting" wooyoung snarled as he slammed the door shut. yeosang didn't know what he was talking about. wooyoung could barely handle his emotions for san, let alone fantasize about more intimate things. he didn't even think about san that way. it's not like he was drooling over san when he wore his shirt the other day and wondering what his body looked like with his shirt off-

wooyoung widened his eyes and shook off the dirty thoughts from his mind. what was he thinking? as far as wooyoung was concerned, san was just a guy wooyoung liked spending time with, that was all. sure, maybe being around wooyoung made his heart race, maybe he wanted to kiss him, maybe he wanted san to hold him. but they weren't anything. just two people who liked being around each other. and that's all that they were going to be because there was no way wooyoung liked san in that way and maybe san was just confused with his feelings for wooyoung. 

but wooyoung was starting to believe san liked him, really liked him. and even though wooyoung refused to come to terms with his own feelings, he did feel something towards san and that scared him because he knew that if he admitted his feelings out loud, he would never be able to let go of san. 

wooyoung didn't want to get too attached to someone, especially if he was unsure if they would stay. but he wanted to give this thing with san a chance because he was really tired of being lonely. wooyoung couldn't stand being this indecisive. maybe it was time for him to get over his internal problems and stop pushing people away.

wooyoung felt like his arms were going to fall off any second now. it was a stupid idea to walk all the way to the grocery store without a ride and an even stupider idea to walk all the way back with all the bags by himself. he should've asked someone in the restaurant for help.

the restaurant was now in wooyoung's line of vision, so he clenched his teeth and kept walking forward even though he felt like the bags would slip out of his hands any second now. 

he didn't know why, but for some reason wooyoung felt compelled to turn his head to look across the street. he felt his hands loosen their grip on the bags when he noticed a very familiar dark haired man.

wooyoung frowned. san had told him that he was supposedly swamped with work that he wouldn't be able to leave the office, but there he was, just across the street. the bags had now fallen to the ground, but wooyoung didn't care. was san here to surprise him?

a smile stretched across wooyoung's face at the very thought. not being able to help himself, wooyoung waved his hand around, hoping to catch his attention. but san didn't look in wooyoung's direction, he didn't cross the street. he kept walking, like he was going to see someone.

but that someone wasn't wooyoung.

wooyoung lowered his hand, his smile disappearing off his face when he realized who san was walking to.

his heart plummeted and an uneasy feeling spread through him as san walked up to his ex girlfriend, the very same person san had broken up with and assured wooyoung that they were done.

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