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I arranged the doctors but they will arrive after 1 hour due to traffic and we need to change Ibbu's bandages immediately, I was losing my temper. I decided to check on Ibbu so I went to his room, only to find 'HER'.

I saw her from behind, she felt my gaze upon her and turned. It's her!!!!  This is the first time I saw her clearly, After all those years... No no It's a mistake

I ignored my thoughts and said "We need to talk" and she didn't reply and that made me angry. No one ignores me NO.ONE... I was about to call her out on this behaviour but just then we both heard ibbu's voice and my heart skipped a beat. He doesn't know about our Marriage and that's what I wanted to talk about."Noor ,Is that you?". 'Who's Noor!!??' I asked myself.

"Yes Mr. Ibrahim It's me, I'm here to change your bandages". Oh so my Romeo brother gave her the nickname. Without any delay, I asked her "Ms. Farooqui, I brought those medicines, would you like to come and check them". She looked at my face for 1 sec and turned her gaze to the floor, she understood what I'm Implying, so she played along and said "Y-YES, Let's G-go". Giving one glance to Ibbu she followed me out.

We were standing at one arm's distance and I don't know how she could maintain that innocent look on her face, Right at that moment I understood why Ibrahim fell for her at first sight.

She certainly knows how to bewitch a man with her beauty, that innocent look, lively eyes and irritatingly sweet voice. She continuously chews her lips like it's her favourite food... Yikes what kind of Examples Am I giving??

I said "Ibbu doesn't know about the marriage, so I want you to keep it hidden until he recovers". She was looking at the floor but didn't even hesitate to look at me and nodded. I was so pissed because of this gesture so I took a step towards her and she took a step back. -so now she's challenging me huh?-

I was about to hold her hand but she said "P-please maintain y-your distance". I came out of my Ego trance and face-palmed myself, What the hell got into me? but wait Is she a Stammer? she just stuttered. Her eyes were still looking at the floor like the floor is her best friend.I was getting so pissed, I clenched my jaws and replied "I was going inside the room, You are just in my way". She quickly moved away from their and followed me to the room.

Ibbu's face lit up after looking at her 'hopeless idiot' , but she totally ignored both of our presence . She wore gloves, took a glance at Ibbu's hand and started cutting bandages, what does she think she is

A human measurement tape?

She did'nt even look at Ibbu's face and started changing his bandages. She was ignoring both of our existence like she was forced for this marriage (Eye roll).

Ibbu initiated the conversation "Noor, I know yesterday was a very big occasion for us and it was ruined. I'm so so sorry for my part. I tried to come even after accident but I just fainted and woke up directly at hospital."

I was waiting eagerly for her answer But she just Noded without Looking at him, she is So Irritating. I can't with her... (Eye roll)

Ibbu tried to Held her hand but she Stood Suddenly and Said "Please d-don't". I scoffed and Said sarcastically "Pious Angel". She gave me her most Angry Expressions but I almost smiled at her expression, she was looking so cute -Wait did I just said her cute?and I remembered It's just her charade, nothing else-. Ibbu gave me 'Shut your mouth MF' face and I shrugged my shoulder.

Then she sat at his bed and again started changing bandages, she broke silence and Said to Ibbu "It's not your fault, I know It's just fate nothing else. I don't think of you as a culprit. I understand you".

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