9-Emotional Rollercoaster 🎢

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He's such an enigma. I can never decipher what's going on in his Mysterious mind. He was behaving so strange while at breakfast. He was ignoring me for the past two weeks and suddenly he announced that he'd drive me to the hospital today. What does he want from me??

I despise how he treats his subordinates- He dismissed uncle Rehmat so rudely. I was furious with his behavior. I mean yes of course I fear him because his presence is so intense and intimidating, but I'm still angry.

I don't know what got into him today, he's reacting so differently. Truth to be told I like this version of him because I feel comfortable around him when he's less scary.

Still, he misbehaved with uncle Rehmat so I'm giving him cold shoulders, And guess what? it's working! He's genuinely trying to butter me up by being a gentleman, and, of course, by teasing me.

As I was about to open the car door, he dashed over and held it for me. What's wrong with him today? I asked if he was alright, and when he continued to irritate me, I decided to hit a nerve."You're acting like a gentleman today," I said.

But instead of backing off, he stepped closer. I took a step back, only to find myself pressed against the car. Why can't he keep his distance ? He started to step in my proximity a little more nowadays. First this close proximity and second his piercing Blue eyes, Both are impossible to handle.

To my surprise, he didn't demand that I look at him. I felt somewhat relieved, but he didn't stop. He leaned in close, and I closed my eyes. "I don't act like a gentleman, Angel. I am a gentleman," he whispered in my ear, his voice sending shivers down my spine. What is this feeling? I've never experienced anything like it before.

He stayed close, gathering all my wavering courage, I looked up at his face, Guess what? he was smirking. His smirk indicated he knew exactly what he was doing. I glared at him and sat in the car, ignoring his presence.

He joined me, and as he drove, I couldn't help but notice how attractive his hands looked on the wheel. Suny always used to blabber about How good a man's hand looks while driving, But today I actually experienced it. Astagfirullah this Suny is spoiling my mind with filth.

He's such a narcissist, whenever I look at him or to be precise STARE at him, He always asks, 'Like the view?' or 'Handsome right?' or 'Done checking me out?' and I always end up looking away, embarrassed.

I said "You are Heartless, Mr. Mirza." But this time, he actually stopped the car. I thought he was angry and about to give me a long lecture, but instead, he leaned closer. My breath hitched, I stopped breathing. Breathe Zamy Breathe!!! Otherwise, you'll die of asphyxiation.

He stopped near my ear, his breath warm and tantalizing against my skin. In a low, deep voice, more like a powerful whisper, he said, "I'm not heartless, Angel. I've just learned to use my heart less."

His words were a delicate blend of strength and vulnerability, captivating me completely. I couldn't respond. He moved back just enough to gaze into my eyes. I tilted my head downward, I bet my cheeks turned a deep shade of Red.

With a gentle touch, he lifted my chin using his index finger and thumb. I stopped breathing, and he softly commanded, "Breathe, Angel, breathe." But I couldn't.

He cupped my face with both hands and said, "Look at me, Angel." His voice was so demanding that I finally obeyed, meeting his intense blue eyes. The close proximity did something indescribable to me, causing my heart to race wildly. I was lost in his gaze, and I sensed he was equally lost in mine. I couldn't feel the oxygen in my system; a lump formed in my throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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