8- And We created you in pairs

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I went in the lawn to get my bag but someone held my hand and said "Missed me Dua? I bet you did?". I was terrified, -Mr. Anaconda will come here? What would HE think? NO I have to go before HE barges in-

I said "P-please don't m-make an....an-any scene". He replied "Why not, You guys deserve an Oscar for the beauuuuutiful act that you both have played. Pretending all Lovey Dovey. I almost bought it but you know Dua I'm not a fool, I know he didn't Accept you and this Nikah".

My breath hitched how did this parasite know all of these, but I will never accept this in front of him, so I said "W-what are y-you talking a-about, I a-am his law...lawfully wedded bride, why w-would he n-not accept m-me".

An evil laughter left his mouth and I flinched "What do you think, Am I a fool? I heard what you said to Aasna aunty this morning, that he didn't accept you yet. You said He needs time because you are forced upon him. So tell me Dua how should I punish you for being a bad girl?".

Tears started welling up in my eyes, I tried so hard to hold them but they betrayed me. I was forming a reply just at that moment I felt someone's hand wrapping around my waist, I know its HIM, I can smell his cologne anywhere.

From my peripheral vision I saw him staring at that parasite with sore and dark expression. "LEAVE. HER. HAND" His scary, deep voice boomed in the lawn so petrifying that a cold shiver rustled down my whole body.

I didn't want him to see my teary face so I averted my eyes to floor. This parasite wants his not-so-handsome face distorted, he didn't leave my hand and started glaring at HIM. And then ladies and gentleman Staring competition started. Mr. Mirza held his hand and jerked it away from mine effortlessly.

He was about to go towards him but I held his hand and he stopped in his tracks and looked at me. I looked in his eyes, there was this murderous expression in them but after Solid 10 seconds it changed, into something I've never seen before, something like Care.

I said "P-please let's g-go, I w-want t....to go h-home". I know I was a crying mess, he took a step towards me, he debouched his handkerchief from his pocket and wiped my tears, we both were looking in each other's eyes when he was wiping my tears, after some minutes which felt like hours, we went to main gate where everyone was waiting, we bid our good-byes and boarded towards palace.

I was continuously crying in the car, my back was facing his side. I literally felt his gaze on my back, he didn't question me whatsoever. He stopped the car somewhere far from my house, And took my hand in his, I flinched with the sudden action but he said "It's me, Calm down,you are safe,Your hand is hurt." Just then I noticed that there are marks on my Hand due to that Parasite's grip.

I didn't Reply to anything, He took out the First aid kit and Applied ointment on my hand, In normal circumstances I would have Thought about the way he was caring, but right then my brain was pretty occupied.

But the Question is Why do I never feel unsafe When he's around, I mean he's a complete stranger right? And Amir and I literally grew up together but why do I hate that parasite so much but not him?

He again broke the silence in a very murderous voice "Whatever I saw made my blood Boil, I will wait for you to explain what was going on there and please stop crying he's not worth your tears." What does he mean by 'explain what was going on there'???? He is doubting me, Oh no I have to clear everything.

Gathering all my courage, I said "I-I am S-sorry but trust me t-there's nothing like what y-you are thinking". His Expression Softened and He raised his hands for wiping my tears but classic me and my Bloody reflexes, I tried to Defend by blocking my face with both of my hands and closing my eyes as in he was about to hit me.

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