Out of Bounds

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Jimmy Fallon: Hey, there. I'm Jimmy Fallon. Welcome aboard the GyroSphere, an amazing machine made possible by science-- Hey --, there. Your safety is our main concern. Now just re--lax and enjo--y the ride.

His voice gets cut off when the sphere dies. Claire sees Zach's broken smashes phone, and walks over.

Claire: No, no, no.

Owen: Hey. They made it out.

They make their way to the waterfall, where Owen notices footprints.

Claire: My God, they jumped.

Ryan: Brave kids.

Claire: Zach! Gray!

Ryan places a hand over her mouth, and quickly shushes her.

Claire: Hey! I am not one of your damn animals.

Ryan: Listen, those kids are still alive, but you and I will not be if you continue to scream like that.

Claire: So... One of you can pick up their scent, can't you? Uh, track their footprints?

Owen and Ryan stares at her, annoyed.

Owen: I was with the Navy, not the Navajo.

Ryan: And I hunt animals, by placing trips and staying in one spot.

Claire: So then what should we do? What do you suggest we do?

Owen: You get back. Me and Ryan will find them.

Claire: No, we'll find them.

Owen dismisses her, clearly annoyed once more. Ryan looks down the waterfall, looking for any sign of where the kids might have went.

Owen: You'll last two minutes in there. Less, in those ridiculous shoes.

Claire stares defiantly at him, and unbuttons her belt. Owen looks at her, shocked but puzzled. She unbuttons her shirt, and ties it, showing her purple tank top. She places her hands on her hips.

Owen: What is that supposed to mean?

Claire: It means I'm ready to go.

Owen: Okay. Let's get one thing straight. I'm in charge out here. You do everything I say, exactly as I say it.

Claire: Excuse me?

Owen: Just relax. It's just like taking a stroll through the woods. 65 million years ago. Now Ryan lets-

Owen turns around not seeing his brother anywhere.

Owen: Ryan? RYAN!

Owen runs to the edge of the waterfall.

Claire: I through we weren't yelling.

Claire said with a smirk. Owen doesn't care as he looks for his brother, after looking for a bit Owen found him at the bottom on the waterfall on his knees looking at something.

Owen: Come on, let go.

Both Owen and Claire make their way down the waterfall as they get next to Ryan.

Ryan: Are you two done acting like a couple.

Claire: Excuse me!

Ryan: Relax, it was just a joke. Anyway, I found what way they went.

Ryan said as both Owen and Claire look down as saw muddy footprints leading away from the waterfall and into the jungle. Ryan stands up.

Ryan: Let get a move on.

With Zach and Grey, they were running through the jungle before coming across a destroy and bloody Jurassic World helmet. Grey ran over to it, picking it up while Zach came up from behind him grabbing the helmet from him. They both looked around before finding a destroyed Kawasaki Teryx4 LE as Zach dropped the helmet.

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