chapter 18 sky's departure

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Sky know she could no long keep up fighting this voice , Cloud,  phantom thing . So she packed up what she needed . Wrote letters to each person within the hotel and a group letter.  Say how she was greatful for there help how they are her family

Sky grabbed the money she saved from her winnnings went to the kitchen grabbed some food .

Sky waited till morning

Husk: that it kid ? Just walk out then . We can help you

Sky: you've done so much for me I don't want my problems my burdens become yours . I will mess you all of you ,but I got to do this on my own

Charile: but less then a month,  heaven will attract we need all the fighters we can get

Sky : let me go now , perhaps I can be back before the battle . Please let me do this

Charile: very will if this is what you need to do . The Hotel doors will always be opend to you.  This place will always be your home

Sky and Charlie hugged , and Sky also hugged others and said her good byes or rather see you latter's. 

Before long Sky was out the door .

Vaggie : don't worry Charile she will be okay . Come one we better get ready for our own battle .

Sky know where to start she went to Arackness place . She knocked on the door

Arackness: yeah I'm coming

Arackness opend the door

Sky: hi

Arackness: Sky , what why are you here ?

Sky : I need help looking for a few people and I need to get into the Vees tower . I was wounding if you know how to get in ,or how to get someone out

Arackness: who do you need out of the Vees tower?

Sky : Vox I heared that he likes to harm others a lot more then Val dose. 

Arackness: who are you looking for ?

Sky : the cloudy smoke man , or whatever they call him

Arackness: I see , why did you ask others for help ?

Sky : I didn't know where my surch would lead me and I didn't want the others to be involved if it gose wrong

Arackness: good point , let me think about what I can do to help . While your out and about try to stay out of trouble

Sky : I'll try to stay out of trouble can't make no promises though .

Arackness gave some tools , wepons small map of the city

Arackness: here's another thing , a radio I'll keep the other one on , keep it on channel 5 ,okay

Sky : Channel 5 got it , anything else ?

Arackness: you got money

Sky: yea I got money ,and if I need more I know who to go to get more .

Arackness: very well

Sky: don't till the others I was here ,if you can help it

Sky left at night saw Vox

Sky thought it was weird that Vox would be out on his own ,but tailed him never the less

Sky kept her hood up over her head and if that didn't work she wore a mask . Sky to herself thought she looked like a raccoon. 

Vox was able to follow him till he saw her . He used the vedio cameras to zip and zap himself to her . She found herself up on a building

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