chapter 35 , sick ... again

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Alastor woke up from Sky crying again , he walked into her room picked her up . She was warm , no warm would be a understament she was hot , to the touch .
Alastor placed a hand on her forhead ,but she swiped it away .
He walked to the bathroom with her in one arm looking for the themature .
Tempter 104. 5 F / 40.28C

Alastor looked at Sky she had covered her eyes with her hands begain to rubb her eyes . As if the lights had hurt her he truned off the light waited for his eyes to adjust a little.  Sky had taken at less one of her hands way from her face, but once Alastor truned the light back on she began to squirm and placed both hands up . His theory was right .

Alastor: Dame it

Alastor walked over to Angel's door knocked on it . He didn't hear a sound .

Alastor : Angel ?

Alastor walked in though he really didn't want to . Surprising the room was clean and was that a hint of villina and strawberries? No time for that , Alastor walked to the bed , it was empty there on the night stand was a clock 4:00 am

Alastor: he must be out already. 

Alastor wrote a note while the whole time carrying Sky around and her being fussy

Alastor: okay,  little one let's go

Alastor grabbed a blanket a voice had Alastor pruke up

Angel Dust: what's going on ?

Alastor: she's got a  fever is 104/ 40.28 , I got to get her to the doctor. 

Angel: his most likely asleep

Alastor: I don't care , I'm still going to try if I can't get him to look ,then I'll get his nurse.  One of them should now what's going on ,and how to bring an infants / toddlers temperature down

Alastor threw the blanket over Sky

Angel Dust: I'm coming too

They went to the hospital part of the hotel

Angel Dust: it's weird that we have a hospital in the hotel . I wonder why that is ?

Alastor: we got a hospital in the hotel because people get injured and its just saves some time , and heres a peace of usless information in the 1300 there about , a hotel was short for hospital.  It was the only place that visitors had to stay when traveling.  Sure there was inns , and families houses ,but it was mostly Hotels
That most people would stay. 

Angel Dust: let me guess Sky

Alastor: yeah one of her facts ,on another note it was something actually Lucifure and I agreed on together. Since this is hell and the battle. 

Angel Dust: didn' t we have a doctor staying with us in the hotel ?

Alastor: Angel you expect me to remmber everything?

Angel Dust: no I just can't remmber

They made it to the hospital part of the hotel the nurse was up and putting things away .

Alastor: exsume I got a sick child here

The nurse truned around and looked at Alastor and Sky who still was rubbing her face and coughing

Nurse: come bring her over her , let get something

Nurse went got a thermador her temp was still the same

Nurse : how long has she had this fever?

Alastor: I... I don't know she was crying and coughing and I picked her up she was burning up. 

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