(Rewrite) Chapter 15: How Gruesome

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Kai's POV

Everyone successfully barricades the door. Everyone in the room can't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, and I can't help but worry about the staff left behind mostly talking about Jake and Dr. L. I hope nothing bad happened to them.

I watch as Kasnov begins to barricade the door even more, using heavy boxes and shelves, along with lockers. That is when a loud banging sound was heard from behind the door.

"SHIT! THEY'RE TRYING TO BREAK IN! COMPANY, GET OVER HERE! HOLD YOUR GROUND, PROTECT THE SCIENTISTS! WE WANT THE LOWEST CASUALTY COUNT AS POSSIBLE! THAT COUNTS FOR SUBJECTS TOO!" Kasnov yells. I immediately get up from the ground, rushing over to where Kasnov stands. I raise my SCAR at the barricades with a shaky hand. I look to my left and right, seeing Andrew, Sebastian, Liam, and Kate with their SCARs raised at the barricades. ((Liam and Kate are two random guards who don't appear in notes and characters))

The banging on the barricades get louder and more aggressive, until the first line of barricades (lockers) get thrust forward, falling over. I watch in horror as around 20 gootraxians peak through the boxes, their mouths foaming. "OPEN FIRE ON THE LEGS!" Kasnov yells out. A few seconds after he yells that out, Andrew begins shooting along with Kasnov. Then Liam and Kate start shooting. I pull back the charging handle on my SCAR, then releasing. I raise my SCAR up at the horde of gootraxians, now breaking through the boxes, and start to fire.

The breaking down of the barricades seems to stop for a second, until a hebi breaks through the boxes, and lunges and Liam, pinning him to the ground. I quickly turn my head to him, as his SCAR gets flung away, the hebi attempting to infect Liam. I run up to the hebi, full force kicking it in the rib, then firing two rounds into its legs. Liam then rolls to the side, grabbing the glock from his holster, and fires into the hebi's head twice. It's head basically explodes. I extend my gloved paw out to Liam, as he grabs it. I help lift him up, as he grabs his SCAR, positioning himself back to where he was.

I watch as Kasnov reloads his famas, Kate also reloading her SCAR. Andrew switches to his secondary as he realizes to as of and Kate are reloading. Andrew then begins mag dumping the gootraxians running through. Once Kate and Kasnov finish reloading, Andrew reloads both his SCAR and glock. Liam and I move up, in position, continuing to fire at the hordes coming in. The numbers of gootraxians seem to halt at three. All of the barricades have been destroyed, as the last three gootraxians run off, realizing they won't be able to win. "YEAH! RUN AWAY YOU FUCKING COWARDS!" Kasnov yells, reloading his famas.

I sling my SCAR over my back, slumping down against a wall. "The job is not over yet, company. We need new barricades, before the gootraxians come back in greater numbers." Kasnov says. I lazily stand up from the wall. "But what are we even supposed to use? We already used all of the boxes for the barricades." I say. "I think you forgot something. Go climb up the ladders to the roof of the cafeteria. There's a fuck load of boxes up there we haven't used." Kasnov says. I make my way into the cafeteria, seeing all of the terrified staff huddling together. This only makes me think more about Jake and Dr. L, how they aren't here.

I walk up to a shelf with a ladder, climbing up, until I reach the top. There is a computer desk to my left, a few couches to my right, a rug next to the couches, and TONS of boxes.

Some manual labor later

The new barricades were finally set up, after clearing the 20 or so dead bodies of the gootraxians. "Good work company. Make sure no gootraxians get the chance to get through." Kasnov says, in a demanding tone.

Dr. L's POV

I am struggling to find a medkit, let alone a bandage. I can't go anywhere without gootraxians being around every corner. I feel like I'm going to bleed out, with the trail of blood I'm leaving behind. A group of gootraxians are sure to come across my trail of blood and get interested in it. You know what, I might die here.

But I am not going to die this easily.

I will not let some random unknown gootraxian be the death of me.

In a mix of thoughts and emotion, I failed to realize I passed out.

Now all that's left for me to do is wake up.


I wake up, lazily getting up from the ground. I am right where I passed out, which is good. I then notice my shades getting foggy, as I throw them off and put a new pair on from my lab coat pockets. A new..glowing pair of shades. My eyes immediately feel better. I rummage around boxes and boxes, trying to find a bandage. After what felt like 30 minutes, I finally found a bandage. I take the bandage, ecstatic. I then weakly wrap it around my injuries. That will help with the bleeding.

(GRAPHIC warning. Like, a VERY detailed and brutal death. If you're uncomfortable with that, skip to the end of the warning and continue reading. Or just don't read the rest of this chapter.)

I feel accomplished, as I slump down against a couch. Thousands of thought immediately come to my mind, like: 'Is Jake okay?' 'Will I be safe?' 'When is this over?' and they won't stop coming. I am too drowned in thoughts to notice the approaching footsteps. They're coming this way. I turn my head lazily to the right, as I see a hebi not even 5 meters away from me. I take a knife out of my lab coat, and throw it at the creature's throat. The hebi just so happened to open its mouth at this moment, causing the knife to impale its throat from the inside.

The hebi gargles up gooey blood, and falls to its knees. I take this as my chance, and kick the creature down to the ground. I then reach my arm into its mouth (A stupid decision) and yank the knife out of its throat. The hebi begins to choke on its own goo, violently so. It flails around, and as a final move, I stab the knife into where its heart would be, twisting and turning the knife. The hebi ceases all body movements, and falls limp. Gooey blood continues to pour of of its mouth, and now where its heart would be.

I yank the knife out of its heart, as a wicked smile forms on my face. Let this be a lesson to all other gootraxians that want to fuck with me.

(Warning over)

I suddenly get a small headache, as pain starts in my frontal lobe. My smile now turns into a frown, my head starts to feel like a 50 lb weight, as I struggle to keep it straight. I leave the dead body of the hebi lying there, as I step back, falling on a sofa. I am suddenly flash banged by hundreds of memories, both the good and bad. I barely get enough time to process any of this, before everything fades to black.

Jake's POV

"..I need to find someone. I'm leaving." I say, getting up from my position on the wall. "So soon? What if someone attacks you?" Flora asks. "I'll be fine..." I say. "No. I'm coming with you." Shade says, turning to me. "Please..come back in one piece.." ((Don't you dare say it. *cough cough Zgrass*))

"I will..with Shade by my side." I reply to Flora. "Alright, let's go." Shade says, motioning down to the ladder. I take a few steps down, making lefts and rights in the tunnel. I then climb up the next ladder, poking my head out of the bush. I get out of the bush, taking in my surroundings. I realize the power is still off. I look back behind me, to see Shade, just standing right next to me. "So...who are you even looking for?" Shade asks. "A..a friend." I reply. "Mmhmmm. Kay." Shade says.

I make my way out of the garden, walking down the hallways, until a thud catches my attention, from the storage bay next to the garden. I peek around the corner, as Shade follows close behind. To my surprise, I see Dr. L, but he seems to be unconscious, lying down on the floor next to a sofa. Something else that catches my eye, is that, when I roll his body over, half of it is that of a nightshade. "..no..no..NO!" I exclaim, lifting his body up. "I'm no expert, but I'm going to say he didn't look like that before...yikes." Shade says.


(This chapter is 500 words less than what I was hoping for... 😔)
(I just had to get this out to y'all. Yeah.)
(I am a devil for leaving you off on that cliffhanger 😈)

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