Chapter 3: Random Lightning from Nowhere

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Third Person

Rachel says

"urgh fine why are you so hung up on this operation though?"

* not that there is anything wrong about it though it's completely normal for the secret group in CHB who are into this kind of stuff and there are finally these primordials who understand! *

"Shush child, all will be revealed when my plan is a success!" Ouranos bounced up and down childishly in exitement before stilling in her spot,

"but seriously, I have been suuuuuuuper bored ever since i lost my domain and what's better to do then mess with some people's lives?!"

"oh no you've officially gone cuckoo."

"oh honey, I've been crazy for much longer than you've been alive but that will not deter me from my plan!"

Will's P.O.V.

I thought it would be a good idea to listen to Rachel because oracle and all. It turns out that it wasn't as good an idea than it initially seemed. I sauntered towards the forest, trying to distract myself from my peculiar interaction with Rachel. As I was making my way towards the green, i felt as though I was not alone. I am very sure of someone following me, and as soon as i stepped into the forest the feeling arrived, and didn't go away, every time i turned to look for them, there was nothing there, I feel like i'm going just as crazy as Leo. (except i don't have fire powers... i have medical healing brains and an amazing singing voice might i add if that counts,). Suddenly there was a blinding flash of lightning in front of me, the light stabbing into my eyes. When the dust cleared and the light adjusted, i was fearing the worst, maybe I angered Zeus or something, but was extremely dumbfounded by the ten year old wearing a sailor uniform in front of me.

"Seriously! What a drag... hey there!" says the girl.

"Uh... hey? Are you like a child of Zeus or something?"

The girl scoffed, obviously faking offense with a hand on her chest.

"Hey, I'm related to him if that makes you feel better!"

"like how?" the unknown girl seemed to be getting more and more amused with will's confusion. "Never mind that let me now explain the reason I'm here!"

"that... would be really helpful" suddenly another ten year old wearing all black and baggy clothes come shooting out of a tree

"O! O! He said yes he said yes!!! Oh wait, hi Will!"

"who is that?" will asks confusedly.

"Oh that is a colleague of mine. She has just come back from a project proposal and the person said yes."

"Isn't it great? Now we can finally stop monsters from attacking young demigods! Well I mean if he says yes that is. So tell me, have you asked him yet?" the pair of girls seemed to have forgotten all about Will being there.

"ummm... what about monsters?"

"Oh you know how Tartarus was open for a while when Gaea was awake riiiight?"

"And how monsters try to attack new demigod's before they make it to a camp?"

"i thought we like defeated all of them *didn't we *"

"Nah just the freeloaders that decided to join the 'S.S. destroy the camps' the others just got a free ticket out of hell, which i mean, sweet"

"ok I get it but why me? There are like so many other people like Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase and some even from Camp Jupiter who are way better than me at self - defense and fighting. I'm just a medical person who is needed at the CHB Infirmary!"

"Whaaaaaale, Will, you're right. You are just a healer, a person who saves lives and can hit a target with an arrow from 200 yards away. You now what? I think ouranos should go for the impulsive guy who swings a pen around at the millions of monsters that are hunting for his head. Oh or maybe the girl who will never EVER leave pen guy's side and, Will, never appreciate my puns!"

Erebus looked quite bored and exasperated by Will's lack of belief in himself.

While Will reflects on his life choices, he thinks about all of his friendly, sunny, family and how they will definitely need his presence to get all the excitey - ness under control but then wonders how they will cope without him.

"They'll cope like a charm will don't worry, besides we're leaving what's left of the seven here aren't we?"

How did he know I was thinking that?

Ouranos slung an arm around will's shoulder, levitating in order to reach that high. Will mulled that over in his head, that was true and there was always his siblings to run the infirmary but would he be able to leave them? How could he just up and leave the place he has lived for many years.

"Look Will," ouranos says, her face full of concern.

"We really need you. You don't know how desperate we are!"

"We are?"

Ouranos sent a terrifying glare in the direction where Erebus was standing and punched her lightly in the shoulder.

"I mean... yes we are! You have no idea. Whatever you want or desire, we can give it to ya! Please? If you don't accept the offer Ouranos will literally kill me, Tartarus is not a nice place you know!"

"what do you mean i'm perfectly innocent! Anyways we really need you I'm the only one without a champion aren't I EREBUS!"

"Yes indeedly, got my own champion today in fact" Erebus stood tall at the mention of her very own champion. While Ouranos was practically begging Will at this point.

"Who, might I ask, is that champion of yours? Someone from CHB?" Will implored curiously.

"Uuuuuuuuh..." Erebus looked to Ouranos, not knowing what to tell Will.

"In any case if you are that desperate I shall help but on one condition."

"And what will that that be will?" the primordials seemed to be genuinely curious.

"That i get to see my family once a fortnight because i like my family unlike some people..."

"I am offended! I love my family very much, see come here Erebus, I'm going to give you a biiiiiiiig hug!"

"Oh no no no no, why hath you forsaken me Will!" Erebus was currently being chased by an adorably terrifying Ouranos.

"Awwwwww. Anyways what do I have to do anyways in this championy stuff?"

Erebus then disappeared in a puff of smoke, effectively leaving Will with a pouty Ouranos, who did not get his hug.

"listen here young grasshopper. You are meant to show that you are the strongest by duelling other champions. K?" the deity questions Will.

"fine as long as you agree with my condition."

Ouranos looked conflicted, weighing the positives and negatives of Will's condition.

"Alright, once a fortnight, you can pick when you want to come here and check up on your camp but, you can't tell them what you're doing, do you know how many demigods will come hunting me down if they thought I was giving out free powers? A lot!"

"Ok cool deal done!"

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