Chapter 8: Father Visits

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Meanwhile at CHB

"Hey guys have you seen Will anywhere?" Piper was looking for someone to look at the bump on Jason's head.

Suddenly a piece of paper appeared out of a puff of smoke in front of piper's face, after coughing for a bit she picked up the piece of paper and read the words,

'Don't worry about it'

The handwriting was rushed and messy, also written in Ancient Greek, Piper felt a rush of sympathy for Will and wondered which deity had decided to mess with mortal lives now.

Meenwill at Erebus' Realm

Will pondered about what was going on in Camp Half - Blood and if everything was ok at the infirmary.

"Hey Ouranos? Can I use my ticket back to Camp Half Blood now?" this seemed to send Erebus into another fit of hysterics.

"I told You!"

"No Ereby it was part of our deal, he can if he wants to" Ouranos stuck a 'have a nice day' sticker with a green dinosaur on it and he disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Nico with a hysterical patron to comfort.

When Will reaches CHB, he goes straight to Rachel's cave as he new she would at least know something about his situation.

"Hey Rachel?" Will looked around the empty cave and didn't see her anywhere, next he explored the rest of the camp.

Piper saw him walking around and ran up to him worriedly.

"Will! Are you okay? Is there a quest? Is there gonna be another war? Please tell me there isn't going to be another war" Will's brain could hardly process the words spilling from her mouth but her charmspeak did all the work for him.

"There isn't going to be another war"

"Thank the Gods!" Piper replied.

"Wait a minute you didn't just say that because of my charmspeak did you? Answer honestly" Piper was very close to stomping her foot like a child.

"Seriously there isn't going to be a war! Chronos is defeated Gaia is...also defeated there is no war! I just got summoned by my father for a bit!" Piper narrowed her eyes, not quite believing Will, apollo kids were terrible liars, will began to feel nervous, a cold sweat breaking out on the back of his neck.

"I'm completely serious please believe me. You can even ask my father if you want to!" exclaims Will.

"How the hades would I do that, it's not like i can just go 'hey apollo can you come down here for a sec? i need to ask you something" there was a bright flash of to the left of the two demigods.

"You called?"

"Oh... ok I was just trying to prove to will that you won't come if I called for you... It seems like Will is lying to an daughter of Aphrodite oh great Apollo..."

"WHAT, how dare you will, how could you lie to such a fair maiden"

"EHEM DAAAD why you be so mean I DIDN'T lie RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!"

"HA! He said that you were lying, i win so tell the truth Will, where have you been and what have you been doing?" Piper seemed triumphant in the right to grill Will for answers.

"I'm sorry Piper. You're just not going to get it out of me this time." said Will and then he vanished. Will didn't know how he did that but he instantly thanked the Gods for vanishing on time. 

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