Chapter 5: House Tour

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Mean whale at the underworld.

"Okay nico so this is my realm, I created everything you see here... but that's not important and you won't be spending any time here." Erebus immediately turned down the path that leads to Tartarus.

"Ok cool..." said Nico nonchalantly, though his heart starts to beat at an incredible pase, clanging against his ribcage as the duo neared the pit he escaped from a mere few months previous. Erebus stops just before the precipice that is Tartarus and punches the wall, Nico merely looked at the short girl in confusion before the wall splits in two and slides like only electronic automatic doors can.

"Latest technology for the use of doors to Tartarus huh... my dad didn't tell me about this... it feels like i'm going into Diagon Alley or something!" said Nico.

"Nah there's no technology down here, you know with the whole, everything explodes if it's near me with electricity or database, yeah... it's all about magic and imagination down here!"

Nico was left with those words and the lingering regret of taking up this deal with a child.

As Nico and Erebus adventure down the deeps of Tartarus something blocks their way.

"Hey Mrs. O'Leary good to see ya girl, did'ya hear the news? Nico accepted, isn't it great, come on, I've got an oversized steak in store for ya!" Erebus looked right chipper in the presence of a terrifying hell hound that could and would probably drown her in slobbery love.

"Wait a second what are you doing here Mrs O'Leary? Last I saw you, you were at camp!"

"She can shadow travel just like the rest of us 'underlings' do you like it? Nah neither do I, I won't say it again promise"

"Wow underlings seriously it's worse than Nico Nico NIIIIIIII. Anyhoo is this where my training ground is?" said Nico looking down into Tartarus.

"Nah this is where we live" Erebus swept away a supposed illusion and revealed a country paradise on the other side, a nice field with cottages littering the landscape, a small forest and a lake, it almost seemed like camp, but without the 'greek' feel and strawberries.

The village seemed quite quaint and reminded him a little bit of Camp Half Blood but with fields and stuff, and he was also wondering what the use for all the different cottages were for.

"Umm Erebus, why are there so many cottages when there is just the two of us here?"

"Oh, yeah all the cottages were for my siblings and their kids as well as my kids whenever they wanted to drop by, no one really visits after the whole 'creating death thing' you know?" although seeming as chipper as she had been, there was a certain heaviness in her words.

"I know how you feel." Nico whispers remembering his Camp life.

Erebus lead Nico around the area, pointing out many landmarks before stopping at a smallish cottage made of dark wood, it was small but well designed.

"And this one is yours, feel free to ask me for anything for your humble abode. I will leave you to settle in now then I will grant thee the powers of darkness!"

Nico walks into the kinda looked like his cabin in Camp Half Blood. Inside was everything and anything a Mythomagic fanboy could dream of. There were shelves neatly stacked with figurines and other collectables, there were even some books that looked like card collector books.

"Eeeeeek!!!!!!" Nico fanboyed quietly. Although his, now burnt, collection was extensive, he had never seen anything as amazing as this. As Nico settles down in his cottage he hears noises coming from the cottage next to his. 

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