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"Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to present the prestigious Young Achiever Award to a remarkable individual who has made a significant impact in the field of cardiology and medical science. Please join me in welcoming Dr. Mauli Malhotra to the stage," the anchor invited Mauli. As he continued his speech, Mauli looked at Kunal, who gave her a big, proud smile. She got up from her seat and moved toward the stage to receive the award. As she walked, the audience applauded.

"Dr. Mauli Malhotra is not only a brilliant surgeon but also a compassionate human being. At the young age of 27, she has performed over 100 successful heart surgeries, saving the lives of many patients with complex and critical conditions. She has also been actively involved in research and innovation, contributing to the advancement of new techniques and technologies for cardiac care. She is an inspiration to all of us. She has also demonstrated the importance of giving back to society by volunteering for various health camps and awareness programs.

Dr. Mauli Malhotra, you are a true role model and a deserving recipient of this award. We congratulate you on your achievements and wish you all the best for your future endeavors. Thank you for your service and your excellence." The anchor finished his speech, and the audience once again applauded for Mauli as she received her award. Kunal was so happy it was as if he had won his own award. He kept clapping for her until the very end.

Mauli looked toward him with a smile and then started giving her award-receiving speech to the audience: "Thank you so much for this incredible honor. I am humbled and grateful to receive the Young Achiever Award. I would like to thank the organizers, the jury, and the sponsors for recognizing my work and giving me this opportunity. I would also like to thank my mentors, colleagues, and friends who have supported me throughout my journey."

"Most importantly, I would like to thank my family, especially my parents, who instilled the value of hard work and dedication. Unfortunately, they are not in this world now... but they would have been so proud if they were here to see their daughter." Mauli took a pause as she remembered how much her parents loved her and supported her. She was missing them...

Kunal understood her silence and thought to himself that if she could look at him now, he would make her smile so she could come back to the present moment. Mauli took a glance at him, and he made a smile figure by using his thumb and index finger as he widened the gap between them. She smiled and then continued, "My husband Kunal has always been there to encourage me as well and has always supported me during the rough times in my career."

"I dedicate this award to all the patients who have entrusted me with their lives and health. They are the reason why I do what I do. I am honored to serve them and to make a difference in their lives. This award is not only a recognition of my achievements but also a reminder of my responsibilities. I promise to keep working hard, keep learning, and keep improving. I also promise to use my skills and knowledge for the benefit of humanity and society. Once again, thank you for this award and for this memorable moment. I am truly blessed and happy. Thank you."

Mauli stepped off the stage, and the audience clapped in appreciation. She walked toward Kunal and hugged him tightly. He felt a little uncomfortable, now having to return the hug. It wasn't that they had never hugged before, but it was always Mauli who initiated it, and he would reciprocate with half-hearted enthusiasm. After a few seconds, he broke the hug, saying, "There are so many people here..."

"Ohh, yeah, sorry..." She gasped as her gaze lowered.

"Your speech was fab!" He congratulated her as he held her hand, as if trying to distract her from this moment.

"Thanks..." Her cheer in her voice was gone after this incident, and little did she know that the upcoming events of her life would only make things even worse. Kunal knew that his action was the sole reason behind it, but he couldn't help himself either.

After the ceremony was over, Mauli and Kunal met her colleagues. Dr. Bhargav, who worked in the same residency as Mauli, congratulated her by saying, "It's wonderful, Mauli, that you have come so far by your potential and hard work. I'm sure that your husband, Kunal, is so proud of you." He said while looking toward Kunal, who was standing beside Mauli in a formal dress.

"Absolutely! She always does something magnificent, and this award is just a reflection of that." Kunal nodded happily in response to Dr. Bhargav's earlier remark.

"She is really multitalented, and any person would love to be around her. Well, would you tell us why you like her? Like, which quality of hers is your favorite?" Dr. Bhargav asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Kunal agreed, and Mauli also looked toward him excitedly. She also wanted to know which quality of hers gleamed in his eyes more than others. Kunal continued, "Her dedication, hard work, and passion toward her work, her willingness to always strive for the better in her field. I like these qualities in her..."

Mauli's eyes lost connection with the present world around her. She could only hear Kunal's statement again and again as her brain repeated it. Her heart felt hurt, and she stepped a little backward from him. He didn't say anything wrong, right? Then why did she feel this way? What did she expect from him? He just said what he felt was right. But even after knowing why she felt unappreciated, she thought to herself as these unanswered questions spiraled in her head. Perhaps she wanted to go home at this moment.

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