Dedicated to: satosere16 To one of my biggest supporters out there! Thanks a ton!
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"YOU DIDN'T SEND HIM BACK," JERK REMARKED as I walked in the living room with two boxes of Pizza, cold drinks and garlic bread.
He was plopped on the blue couch, glancing weirdly at the DVDs and storybooks I had got with me.
"Surely you weren't planning to read or show these to me," He asked, picking up the story of Bamboo Princess and the DVD of Bambi movie. "Because if you were, I am gonna puke right now."
"How was I supposed to know that the kid I have to babysit is a full-grown ass teenager!" I snapped. I kept the stuff on the table. "And they don't do doorstep returns."
I only tell lies to help myself!
"Did you pay for it yourself?"
"No, I threatened to cut off his toes if he didn't give it to me for free," I rolled my eyes. "What do you think, Einstein? Of course I paid for it."
"And why you, who looks more broke than the begger down the street, pay for my food?"
"Correction: it was yours," I rolled my eyes, taking a seat at the couch beside his with the box of Pizza in my hand. "Now it is mine."
"You can't be serious" He looked at me incredulously. "I ordered it."
"But I paid for it," I replied, opening the box and then I paused mid-way. I screamed.
"W-What the hell happened?!" Jerk jumped to his feet, startled. "Is there dead rat in there? Shit, if there is, keep it away from me!"
"What is wrong with you?!" I growled. I practically shoved the Pizza box up his face to show him his horrendous deed. "You - You ordered a pizza which has fucking pineapples on it?!"
"Dammit it," He ruffled his hair, making his exit from the room. "I am done here."
Then he came back, snatched the box of Pizza and Pepsi and marched out.
"Are you seriously going to eat a pineapple pizza?!" I yelled after him.
"Shut up!" He yelled back. "And pineapple on pizza is much better than you can ever be!"
Seriously, chivalry is dead nowadays.
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I was pretty mad that I lost 10 bucks and 99 cents but I tried to swallow my anger like the garlic bread. Jerk had disappeared to God-knows-where and I couldn't care less.
I will probably end up double-slapping him like Jigglypuff if he comes in front of me again. Heck, I am so pissed right now.
I took a bite of the garlic bread. I was sitting on the couch, alone. Is being alone permanently stamped on my fate? Whose cat did I kill in my previous life?
Remember, Sere. To live alone is the fate of all great souls
I nodded at the philosophical quote of Arthur Schopenhauer. I wholeheartedly agree.
I went to take another bite of the garlic bread when suddenly something — someone — dropped on it.
It was a spider.
And I was severely archnophobic.
System is Malfunctioning. I repeat, system is malfunctioning.
"Holy Mother of Rotten Cheetos!" I screamed, dropping the garlic bread to the floor. The hairy creature crawled on the garlic bread, it's razor sharp teeth digging in the bread's flesh.
Without thinking, I grabbed the stick that was leaning against the couch and —
Twack. Twack. Twack.
The garlic bread, which was was beaten to death, looked like a mould of squashed potatoes.
And the spider, whose not one hair had been harmed, casually flung away to some wall.
It was then I noticed something. The stick which I held in my hand was not actually a stick. It was —
"Did you just fucking broke my precious hockey stick?" Jerk was standing at the doorway, his jaw dropped to the ground.
Why hasn't anyone given him an award for having the worst timing ever?
"I am sure I can be fixed with glue!" I defended myself, although I was sure I had lost that right long ago.
The crack on the hockey stick was not even that big. A little fixing and it would fine.
It snapped into two, falling on the ground.
Yeah, I fucked up.
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