12 | one nobody to another

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The thought floated in my mind after my short interaction with Mr. Sycamore. I may be as dumb as a banana sometimes but I was sure that he knew it. 

The whole sneaking-in-stealing-sneaking-out escapade. 

It was crazy to think that a teacher covered for us but knowing Mr. Sycamore, I don't think it was ever impossible anyways. 

Meh, good thing a headache is over though. 

"Now, where is that ugly ass porcupine?" I mumbled, looking for Gary.

The nerve of these guys to run away — I swear I will yeet them out of the window the moment I see them. Or hang them upside down the fan and switch it on.

I grinned at myself. I was sooo creative. I only wish I had the ability to execute it.

I wandered off to the library, hoping to catch sight of one of them. Instead I was greeted by the sight of a lemon-blonde sitting at one of benches, his eyes glued to a book.


It wasn't all that surprising to see him here.

He looked up and our eyes met before I could turn around and leave.

Oh how much I hate when this happens.

"Hi." I gave an awkward wave.

He smiled just as awkwardly. "Hi Serena. I am glad I ran into you. Do you have a minute to spare?"


I took a seat opposite him.

I wondered whether he had really asked Ash for papers or I was just getting scammed. I hope not, because I already have trust issues and I don't need any more.

"What are you doing here, by the way?" Clemont asked me with his usual sweet smile.

I smiled back as naturally as I could so that I don't come off as rude. Like I usually do, even when I am not being offensive.

Yeah, everyday little problems of the introverts.

"I was going to return this jacket to porc — I mean, Gary." I showed him the jacket in my hands.

He blinked. "The least place you are gonna find him is the library."

Savage, Clemont.

"I agree. Dumb move," I laughed sheepishly. "But really if you happen to know where he is, please let me know 'cause I am tired of running around. I am not a sport person at all, you know?"

"Relatable," He sweatdropped. "Yeah I think I might know where he is. But before that . . ."


"I just wanted to say thankyou," Clemont said, shyly. He looked a bit embarrassed.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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