New Enemy and a Friend

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    Me, Joseph and Jotaro are awake while Avdol and Kakyoin are resting then awake from the sound of insect buzzing
Kakyoin tiredly looks around very confused
Then we all see a big ass bug fly around

Jotaro asked, "A rhinoceros beetle?"
"No… A stag beetle!"
Joseph corrected then turned to Avdol,
"Avdol, is that a Stand?"
He took a dramatic pause," are we already encountering another Stand user?"

Avdol just standing up,
"It is very possible. It could be a bug-shaped Stand."

I got up and searched around for it and to find the stand user till The beetle appears near Jotaro’s head

"JoJo! It’s on the side of your head!" Kakyoin said
I quickly and quietly rush behind them both. I snatched Jotaro's collar pulling him down then I swung my knife blade at the bug... barely missing it

"EEEEP, haha you missed hot stuff! "
"Damn you crazy bitch, " Jotaro said sitting up again"I didn't stab you so it's fine"

"I-It’s huge! It has to be a Stand. That bug is a Stand!" Kakyoin said
The bug look towards me and began to have foam drip out it's moth, probably a pervert

"It’s disgusting. But leave this to me." Jotaro exclaimed

"I’ve heard there is a user of a bug Stand that likes to rip out the tongues of its victims." Avdol said

"Star Platinum!"
After hearing that my own stand appeared and was watching Star like a hawk
Star made an attempt to smack it but..
"I-It dodged!" Advol exclaimed, "
"I-I can’t believe it! It’s faster than Star Platinum, whose speed and precision are such that it can grasp bullets!"

Who is the one who’s controlling it?!

"Shit Tundra ice mallet" my stand quickly made one and tossed me it
The bug went through stars hand and when to Jotaro's mouth
I rushed over kicking Jotaro out the way
"Take this bitch" I slammed the ice mallet on top the bug, pinning it's wings to the ground
Jotaro glared at me and got up, I gave him a sheepish smile back

"Since it tried to bite off Jotaro’s Stand’s tongue… it must be him!
The Tower card of the Tarot…
The Tower of Grey!" Avdol said

The damn bug got out from my mallet
And flew up

"Heheh! Even if you were to have ten guns shoot bullets from one centimeter away, they wouldn’t be able to touch my Stand!" The bug exclaimed

I took two pistols out from my waist, "Let's test it them"
"NO, " Yelled Joseph, "You could hit someone else" he yelled, I huffed and put them away

Thats when I started to look around and at the other passagers then the bug flew through their heads ripping the tongues out

An old man stood up and started muttering something

I grabbed my pistol and shot hitting I'm in his head only to hear the fly screech in pain  soon dying.

I look bad and did a 'ta-da' and only Joseph clapped for me

"Dammit the pilots are dead" Joseph said walking in the cockpit then removing the body and sitting in the sit, Jotaro pushed me out the way and sat in the other one

"Well… I have experience with propeller planes, but…",
"But Jotaro… this is my third time."
"Have you ever heard of someone being in a crashing plane three times?" He gave a flashy smile

"I’m never… I’m never riding in a plane with you again" I said as my eye twiched

~~Time skip to Hong Kong~~

Joseph dials a number and makes a call, "Right. That’s fine. Please make sure the only ones aboard are us and the crew. Thank you, bye"

A merchant walked up asking if we like some porage and cola
We all look at each other and silently agreed

"Hey! Why are you all trying to eat we have to go!" Joseph said seemingly pissed
"Want to try some Hong Kong hot cola?" The man asked and that set Joseph off and he dragged all of us away, to a different restaurant

"We need to work out a plan that’ll get us to Egypt as safely and quickly as possible." Said Joseph seriously (for once)

"Mr. Joestar, we cannot allow any more innocent civilians to btwiched The quickest way would be by plane, but… we remember last time" avdol said
We all sat at a table

"It’s now become impossible for us to fly. We have to get to Egypt either by land or by sea." Kakyoin said

"We have 50 days" i said, "we will save her,  As for the route… I say we go by sea."

Joseph nodded, " We’ll charter a suitably-sized boat, go around the Malay peninsula, and across the Indian Ocean. It’ll be the Silk Road of the sea."

"Then it’s decided". Avdol said
,"The greatest danger will be the Stand users that DIO sends agai-"

"Excuse me, do you have a moment?",a large man with a flat-top haircut, comes walking over to the table with a menu, " My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff,  I’m a tourist from France, and I’m having a hard time with the kanji on the menu."
He looked at me with slight puppy eyes, "would you help me , my belle fleur"(beautiful flower)

I felt my face go red then I my chair was being dragged away from Polnareff and I look up and see Jotaro?

"You’re annoying. Go away."
"Come now, Jotaro. It’s fine." said Joseph smirking at the setting,"I can at least read the kanji on the menu. Why don’t you join us?So, what do you want? " Joseph raises his hand to call the waiter over as Polnareff sat a chair between me and Jotaro pushing him out the way and me to my original placement

Joseph then orders basically everything, not that I'm complaining, I mean it's not my money. As the food comes we(me jotaro and avdol) gave a slight side eye
"This looks like food with beef, fish, clams, and frog, but…"

"All right, everyone, dig in!" Joseph says happily, I was nervous to eat in front of them and nervous to eat something new, but fuck it why not. And in the wise words of Joseph'oh my god and holy shit' this is good!

"Look, these carrots… They’re star-shaped. It reminds me of something… That’s right. Someone I know has this exact mark on their neck." Polnareff said suspiciously and stand shows up behind him

Cheeky fucker.. What who has a star? Whatever kick ass now talk later

I pull out my stand who made me a ice scythe, and get ready to fight till Avdol puts his hand in front of me

"My Stand holds the Chariot card! Silver Chariot! Mohammed Avdol, it appears that you want to die first. I’ve made a fire clock on that table!
I will kill you by the time that clock burns to twelve!"

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