Never Having Kids

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Yelling and screaming came from the bed next to me

"Kakyoin!" I asked and went to him, as Polnareff and Joseph ran in

"Stop screaming and shaking the bed like that girl from The Exorcist." Polnareff said as, Kakyoin clinges on me, I rub his back

"Where are we?" He looked at me seemingly terrified

"Don't ask stupid questions.Come on, get up already." Joseph said and left with Polnareff

He let go of me and I stood outside waiting for him

"I had a terrible nightmare. It was horrifying." He said after breakfast

"Oh, lay on the details.I wanna hear all about it!" Polnareff said sarcastic

"I've forgotten it all." He rubbed his neck, and that interested me

"Huh?" I looked to him

"You woke me up and pulled me out-"

"Wish we could talk more, but we gotta get a move on!" Joseph said and walked out

"Let's go. Hurry up!!" Me, Kakyoin and Pol walked out meeting with the JoJo's

I walked forward and Jotaro gave me a look, "What took so damn long?" I looked back to Kakyoin, "Something is wrong"

"Last time you said that you were right" he flicked his cigarette and looked in my direction to Kakyoin as he speed walked

"Let's go!!!!! " Joseph yelled

As we walked to the planes Kakyoin grabbed my sleeve like a child and his mother

"What's wrong, Cherry?" I looked at him

"A dog... I could've sworn I saw
a dead dog not too long ago." He muttered sweating a little

"What are yo-"

"What exactly do you mean,
you "can't sell us the plane now"?" Joseph yelled making us both jump

"You'll get a full refund. But first we need to see to a baby with a fever." The man said

"We have no doctor here. We have no choice but to take the baby somewhere else."

"What's up? Some kind of argument?" Polnareff placed his arm over JoJos shoulder

"Yeah." He said short and the baby cried

"A baby... I remember hearing a baby's cries." Kakyoin held on tighter

"But where?" I asked looking at him.... The poor boy looked paler than snow

"We've got someone's life on the line too!"

"So you'd rather let that baby die?"

"Excuse me, I have a suggestion." The women holding the baby spoke up

"We can give the baby, They can take it to the doctor on their way."

Before Joseph spoke I did, "Sure he can sit on Polnareffs lap in the back now can we please get in the dam thing?! " I snapped and the women smiled

"Thank you miss"
"Don't mention it "

"I could've sworn I just saw it smile." Kakyoin muttered, but I saw it too, " The baby already has teeth?" He fiddled with the end of my sleeve nervously

They boys started to get in the plane
"(Y/n)? "
"Yes Kakyoin? "
"Do you... think im... crazy?" He muttered
"No I don't" he smiled and hugged me

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