Late Night Songs

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  We had made it to an outdoor art garden... That's were Avdol and Polnareff fought

  Most of the fight was back and forth bickering but of course Avdol came out as the winner. Polnareff now crawled into a ball and cried. I did feel bad so sat down next to him

"Are your crying for a different reason or crying cause your a sore loser and a pussy? "

He sniffed and looked at me, "No i-im sorry, but, " he dramatically laid his head in my lap warning a glare from Jotaro, " my beloved sister was killed by DIOs minions with two right arms, " he gave me more muppy dog eyes, "if only I can revenge her"

I look at Joseph and he nodded in agreement, "Alright you big baby get off Y/n and come with us"

He shot up like a rocket and smiled thanking us the whole way to the boat.

We all had made it on the boat, and I was ready to sleep for once, but Joseph's loud ass had to say something

"Guys… can’t you do something about those school uniforms? And Y/n you normally have a style going on!  Isn’t it ridiculously hot?"

I flipped the man off and he stuck his tongue out in return
"Japanese students are such stiffs." Joseph muttered

"Let go! Let go of me, you big lug!Damn it, let me go! Let me go!"

A little girl? That man whore is hurting her

"Shut up! What a little brat!" The captain said

"I thought we agreed there would be no passengers on our boat."

"I’m sorry. It’s a stow-"
I cut him off snatching the kid quickly from him, and he didn't have it
"You sneaky bitch, give the boy back! "
"Fuck you bald headed as freak" I flipped him off, and he stomped over to me, only to have Jotaro stand in the way

"Come at me if you’re gonna!I’ll kick your balls in!" She said angrily
"Hah! I’ll turn you in to the naval police.

"What? The police? I just want to go see my dad in Singapore!" She clung to my clothes and started to cry, she was shaking so much she jumped into the ocean what a  rational thought

"Th-This isn’t good!", we all looked at the sailor, "Sharks gather around these parts!"

I quickly took my hoodie off and jumped in after her

" Not you too Y/n! "Polnareff yelled
Once again I snatch the girl up, swimming straight for the boat, I held the girl up, making her hat drop showing her hair and in that split second of Avdol taking her, I was dragged under barely missing Avdols hand
" Shit Y/n" they yelled

Under the water I took my small knife I had on me and stabbed the hand that was dragging me

What a hand?... IT'S A STAND USER

Kept being dragged down and I kept stabbing and kicking till I kicked his eye and he let go. I swam as fast at I could but I was so deep I can see my vision blur then I fault something or someone lift me up on the boat.

Jotaro placed me down on the floor and I started coughing
"Thanks lady " I wiped my face and hair to look at the girl, and I smiled "no problem little girl your safe that all that matters"

Everyone was silent till I remembered
"A stand user was dragging me down"
Everyone but Jotaro had a reaction
They all looked at Anne
"Wh-What’s with you jerks, all glaring at me like that?! I don’t know what’s going on, but do you want a fight?!" She pulls out a small blade
And I stepped in front facing everyone else,
"Not her it was a man"

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