chapter 12

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  Axel's Pov...
I couldn't wait to see Ariella as i miss her soo much. As soon as i arrive in the country, i told Dante to drive straight to the house without stopping at the basement.
  When i reached home,i quickly make my way to her room but she wasn't there. I Walk down the stairs to the kitchen but it was only i decided to ask her.
"Where's she?" I ask her not needing to mention her name as she knows who.
"She's in the garden boss" she says and i quickly walk there.
And there she stood in her floral dress as she seems to be relaxing in garden.
I sneak up to her and warp my arms around her making her jerk up.
  But she pry my arms open and turn back. I couldn't help it as I quickly kiss  her lips which she accepts by putting her arms around my neck.
The kiss lasted short as Abi came by making her pull out easily.
I heard her say that i had a call from the house phone so i whisper to Ariella to wait for me and quickly make my way inside.

Ariella's pov.....

I couldn't help blushing as i remember what happened in the garden while having dinner as Axel was no where to be seen.
"err- boss told me he's going to see someone tonight as he had an important job to do" Mia tells me.
"Okay" i finish and then make my way upstairs.
Before i could enter, i heard Abi saying.
"Once a whore always a whore" Abi says.
I've been tolerating her but I'll confront her head on.
"And who are you calling whore, you bitch" i ask her which she seem taken aback as she's surprised. I walk closer to her facing her front.
"The next time i hear you call me a whore, I'll make sure to slap the guts out of you" i tell her trying to look tough.
  "That's what you are, slut" she says.
"Say that again" i demand.
" Slut, wh--" before she could say the word i slap her on the face making her look taken aback.
"I warned you" i tell her.
"You bitch!!!"she says and throws herself at me making me fall.
She tries another attack and i hit her legs with my feat making her also fall. She got on top of me and hit me with something hard on my forehead making it swirl. 
  "Ah!!" I hold my forehead and try to avoid another attack.
I move fast before she could do anything and claw at her face while pulling her hair making her scream.
Soon we saw Mia running upstairs as she heard our screams.
"Oh no you two stop it!" Mia says.
But we don't listen and hit each other again.
Soon we got separated and try shifting the blame of who started between ourselves.
"Dont ever call me that" i say while running into my room.
  As soon as i reach my room i started crying but stopped and got into the shower as my eyes hurt from crying too much. I wore my thin night dress and get into bed. 
   I was awaken by someone touching my face. I open my eyes to see Axel staring down at me with worried expression.
"What happened?" He asks in a soft voice i never knew he had, making tears well up in my eyes. 

*Short chapter*
By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published on 24th February 2024

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