chapter 22.

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Ariella's pov....
I laid there in my room as i think of what Rosoma said to me infront of everyone as i got emotional.
Its not my fault that this is happening to me.
Soon i hear the door being opened.
"You said you were going to see Abi today, are you ready?"
"Yes" i say getting off the bed with puffy eyes.
"Come on then" he says opening the door wide for me to bypass him.
We walk through the halls as we enter an isolated place. Opening the door we get inside but Axel stood out.
"She's behind that door" he says as he looks on his phone.
I make my way towards the door as I open. I immediately spot Abi on the bed as Mia seem to clean up her wounds.
"What are you doing here" Abi asks with the same hatred in her eyes.
Mia turns around as she seem to have teared up a bit.
"I-i came to apologize " i tell her.
"I don't need it, now get out" Abi says.
"Come and sit beside me Ariel" Mia says making me go to her.
I sit beside her with Abi on the bed infront of us.
"I'm sorry Abi" i say to her but she turns her head away.
"I-i very sorry" i say as tears stream down my face.
" I know you hate me but please can this stop?"i ask her.
"I know you like Axel and its not my fault that he doesn't notice you"
"I'm sorry" i quickly add. "You're a beautiful woman and I think someday you'll find someone who loves and cherish you for who you are, dont hate me because of Axel. I didn't want all this in the first place and I'm trying to cope with the people i find myself in" i tell her as this is the longest talk ive ever had with anyone.
" You're making me emotional" Abi says as she sits on the bed looking at me with tears also streaming down her face.
  "I'm sorry that I'm here in the first place and I'm sorry Axel noticed me" i tell her as i cry harder.
"There's no need to apologize Ariella" she calls my name for the first time making me surprised. 
"I'm also sorry, ive said a lot of bad things to you" she say.
"And you're not a whore but just an innocent girl" she adds.
"Can i hug you?" I ask her.
"Sure come here" she says and open her arms wide" i hug her as tears fall more.
" Awn you two are soo sweet" Mia says and hugs the two of us together as we sat there tearing up.
Now ive finally make friends with Abi and Mia. And I'm soo happy this happened.
" I'm sorry Ariel" Abi says again
"Its okay" i tell her.
"Now let me continue treating your wounds for you" i tell her while taking the towel from Mia to clean Abi's wounds. 
After we finished, we let Abi rest as Mia and I go to the kitchen.
I asked her to teach me how to prepare food as she seem to know many dishes at her age.
  "Bring the squids over Ariel" she tells me .
"Where's it?" I ask her.
She points at the moving sea animal in the bowl.
"Ok" i pick up the bowl and hand it over to her.
And with that we finished making the delicious food as everyone starts getting into the dining room.

*Short chapter*

By Lilyrizzy 😌💞

Published on 25th February 2024..

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