See You After School

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(also, whenever the story is going to be a new episode (when compared to the anime), all do a different heading. otherwise, ill just put the episode name, and the which part it is. itll make sense once you see it :))

(also, if the characters are represnting the ppl in the soma family, then their last names will be changed to Soma!)

That day, the sun was shining brightly. Sachi Yayo walked out of her tent and looked up at the sun, saying, "Woah! At around this time, the days usually start cooling off, but it looks like we're in for another hot September!" she exclaimed.

Remembering her routine, she went back into the tent and gazed at the framed photo of her mother. "Okay, Mom! I'm off to school! I'll see you when I get back, kay?" Sachi then yet again left her tent, zipping it up this time. She began to jog away. "Look after my things while I'm gone!"

Soon, Sachi began to slow to a walking speed, strolling through the woods. She checked her phone. "I still have a while until school starts... So I guess I could explore the area a little bit!"

She resumed her running pace, looking around at the woods surrounding her. She looked at all the beautiful trees and flowers, and she felt the grass at her ankles in some areas. She eventually stopped, though, for she had come to a cliff. She began to catch her breath, panting a little. Once her breath was back to a normal speed, she looked at the beautiful view the cliff provided. Sachi gasped. "Wow! The breeze feels so nice, and this view is so wonderful!" she looked upwards and closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of the wind moving through her hair.

Suddenly, she heard a jingling noise. "Hm?" she opened her eyes and looked to her right, where, just below a cliff, sat a house. Intrigued, she decided to check it out. She walked down the path and stopped by at the front of it, where, on the porch, she saw twelve zodiac figurines placed nicely on a stand made just for them. "A new discovery!" she smiled. "They're adorable!"

"Ah, hello there! What a surprise!" Sachi, startled by the voice, looked up to find a man with bright, pink hair with a magazine, wearing a simple robe and a surprised look on his face. He looked to be about in this mid-thirties or so. "We don't see many high school girls wandering around this area."

"Ah! G-Good morning, sir! I apologize! I shouldn't have been looking around without any consent or permission!" Sachi said, constantly bowing her head.

"No, it's alright! It's just hard to imagine a teenager like yourself would find any interest in this place." he reassured her.

"Oh, but you've got it all wrong! It looks so interesting! Especially these figurines here..." Sachi looked back down at them again.

The man crouched down next to them. "Ah, they're actually something I like as well!"

"Except..." Sachi started, studying the figurines. "It looks like it's another set without the Cat..."

"Huh? The Cat?" the man looked at her. "Ah, you must be talking about the old Chinese Zodiac folktale, right?"

"Yep! My mom told me the tale so many times when I was little." Filled with nostalgia, Sachi silently recalled the memory.

"Once upon a time," Sachi's mom started, "God sent out an invintation to all the animals. God said, 'I'm having a banquet tomorrow, and you are all invited.' But the Rat was mischevous, and loved playing pranks and tricks on other people and animals. He lied to his neighbor, the Cat, and told him that the banquet was the day after tomorrow.

"And so, on the day of the banquet, the Rat rode up the hill on the back of the Ox so he could arrive first. After him was the Ox, the Tiger, the Bunny, and the rest of the animals. All of them feasted happily at the banquet with God. All, that is, except the Cat."

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