See You After School (Part Three)

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Sachi woke up with a start the next morning. "What am I doing?! I need to dig Mom out!!" she yelled, standing up and slamming the door open. Outside, she was surprised to see Chidori, carrying two bags and a picture frame.

"Ah, good morning, Miss Yayo." he said softly. "Are you feeling better?"

"Um, yes-! I mean, uh! Good morning!!" she said nervously.

Chidori walked over to her. "Here you are," he said, handing her the picture frame. "Your photo." It was the photo of her mom that was in her tent.

"Huh?" Sachi took the small thing from Chidori as carefully as she could.

"I think I got the rest of your things here," he set the bags he was carrying on the porch. "but could you check just to make sure?"

"No way! Does that mean you moved all of that dirt and stuff by yourself?!" But-"

Chidori's carefree laugh cut her off. "No, of course not. There's no way I'd be able to."

"But... Then... How?" Sachi questioned.

"I can't tell you." Chidori said mysteriously, his eyes staring into hers. He stepped onto the porch and picked up the bags again. "Well, I'll just put these upstairs for now, and you can check them there." he looked back at her. "I know the house is a mess, but there's a spare room on the second floor. You can stay here until the renovations at your grandfather's are done. Please try your best to make yourself feel at home."

"What?!" Sachi shouted. "No, I couldn't do that!!"

"The bedroom and shower doors all have locks on them." Chidori said simply.

"No, that's not the issue!" Sachi insisted.

Kazuichi then suddenly appeared behind her. "Do you enjoy cooking and cleaning? You know, that type of stuff?"

Sachi gulped. "U-Um... Yeah, I guess so... But-"

Kazuichi stared at her for a good seconds, and then smiled. "Great! Welcome home!" he then began to walk away. "Your new room isn't aired out or anything, so you should open a window or something. I'll make sure to get you a copy of the house key, too, so no worries!"

"B-But I can't! If I moved in, then I'd only be a burden on you!" Sachi said worriedly.

"Miss Yayo, please, we don't see it as a burden. So please just accept!" Chidori smiled. "Besides, you can't go anywhere else, right?" Chidori began to follow Kazuichi into the house.

Sachi blushed out of embarrassment. "Well, uh..." she then ran after him. "Well, if I'm gonna stay here, then I should at least know if there are any special rules or anything!"

Chidori continued to go into the house, and Sachi followed. "No, there are none. You should just be yourself. Okay, Miss Yayo?"

Soma... Sachi said, a bit of pink on her face still. He really is... Such a mystery. She stood there, amazed.

Chidori began to walk up the stairs, Kazuichi a little ahead of him. "Are you sure this is okay?" Kazuichi asked. "She is a girl, you know."

"It'll be fine," Chidori said. "Just as long as she doesn't hug me."

The two of them then finished walking up the flight of stairs and went to the spare room. They opened the door and unlocked a window, opening it as well. Sachi followed close behind, staring at the two of them from the doorway. Chidori set down the bags by the window and Kazuichi left the room.

Is this really okay...? Sachi asked herself. I still feel bad about it all... She then looked out into the hallway. Wait... Where are Soma's parents...? Maybe they live somewhere else...?

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and a boy with short, blue hair and blue eyes, as well as a red and white bracelet, smashed through the ceiling of the spare room. "Yo." the boy said, standing. He looked over at Chidori. "Are you ready for a beating, Rat-boy? Let's do this." he flexed his muscles.

"Honestly." Chidori started, leaning up against the wall near the window. "Just admit it already." he looked at the blue haired boy with a smirk. "You're too weak to take me."

"Is that what you think?" the boy asked, raising a fist. "Well, too bad for you, 'cause I'm not the same fighter I was before!" he lunged for Chidori. "I'll show you!" he yelled.

"W-Wait!" Sachi said, running towards him. "P-Please don't-!" but before she could finish, she accidentally slipped on a piece of wood that had fell when the boy crashed through the ceiling. She began to fall, and landed on the boy. Not having anything else to support her, she instinctively wrapped her hands around him. Chidori's eyes widened, and the other boy screamed, the blush apparent on his face.

There was a sudden puff of blue smoke, and it lingered in the air for a while. "Hey, Chidori?" Kazuichi popped his head out from the door. "Was that Ishibuko's voice I heard just now?"

Once the smoke finally left, Sachi looked down at the floor. "Um! I-I'm sorry, are you-!" she grabbed the thing that she was still holding on to, expecting it to be the boy. But upon lifting it up, she realized that in her hands was a blue cat! Sachi looked up at it in disbelief.

"Yep." Kazuichi said. "That's him alright."

"He was a boy." Sachi started.

"Stupid jerk." Chidori said to the cat.

"And now he's a cat..." Sachi continued. "I landed on him wrong and somehow turned him into a cat!!" she said worriedly. Chidori walked over to Kazuichi.

Sachi stood up quickly, holding the cat, and turned towards the other two. "Hurry! We have to fix this some-" Once again, she was cut off by another piece of wood falling from the broken ceiling and landing on her head. Caught off guard, she accidentally fell onto Kazuichi and Chidori. Once again, there was not one, but two puffs of smoke, one pink, and another a light shade of yellow.

Sachi gasped. The other two had disappeared, and were replaced by a rat and a dog. The three animals and Sachi looked at each other in complete silence.

... Huh...?






...a rat...!

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